Do you want to find a fun, easy, and engaging way to develop your Spanish language skills? If so, you've come to the right place!
In this brief guide to 12 of the best Spanish movies on Amazon Prime Video, we will outline the plots and learning content of each Spanish-language film. We will also explain why watching Spanish movies is recommended for language learning.
If you want to know more about successful language learning methods we recommend this article explaining what is the most effective way to learn Spanish.
Remember, these 12 Spanish movies are available to Prime members. They provide Spanish learners with an opportunity to develop listening skills, vocabulary, and cultural awareness of Spanish-speaking countries.
Before we dive into this list, let's explore how watching Spanish movies is a valid and proven method for language acquisition.
Language Learning With Spanish Movies
Learning Spanish by binge-watching Spanish-language movies is proven to be an effective method of language study.
This is due to the fact that engagement with Spanish films exposes learners to native Spanish speakers using the language in an authentic way.
This means you pick up on grammar and useful phrases used in a natural context while working on listening comprehension, being exposed to Spanish and Latin cultures and history, and all whilst being entertained!
For access to more great Spanish movies and TV shows, check out Lingopie. This is a streaming service dedicated to language learning.
Lingopie offers many Spanish series and films that you can binge to develop your language acquisition. What's more, you can now stream free movies for 7 days with a free trial on Lingopie.
1. The German Doctor

First on this list of the best Spanish movies on Amazon Prime Video is The German Doctor.
It's 1960 and Josef Mengel, the Nazi doctor who committed atrocious human experiments in Auschwitz during WWII, is evading capture by Israeli intelligence in Argentina. This much is a true story.
This movie details the imagined events that took place while Mengel was in hiding.
In the film, he follows a family traveling to a remote village to start a new life. Mengel takes an interest in the young girl who was born prematurely and is small for her age.
This is the sinister and gripping story of a trusting family opening its doors to one of the most dangerous men on the planet.
What You'll Learn
This Spanish movie offers a fascinating insight into life in a Nazi-sympathizing Argentinian town in the 1960s.
The story is based on real events and mindsets of the time and is an interesting slice of life in 1960s Argentina.
2. Cantinflas

Changing the tone dramatically,
this next item on our list of the best Spanish movies on Amazon Prime Video is a comedy-drama biopic.
This Spanish-language movie tells the two simultaneous success stories of Mexican comedian Cantinflas and American producer Mike Todd.
We follow Cantinflas' story from humble beginnings to international fame and see Todd win big for his feature Around The World In 80 Days.
What You'll Learn
Cantinflas was one of the most beloved Spanish-speaking comedians of all time, so this Spanish-language movie is worth the watch to learn more about this iconic Latin figure.
Moreover, you will pick up on vocab about films and the entertainment industry.
3. No Manches Frida

When a bank robber is released from jail, he attempts to return to the abandoned car park where he buried some money, only to discover it is now the gym hall of a high school. So, he enrolls as a substitute teacher.
How will he keep his true purpose a secret and navigate this new environment without arousing suspicion?
No Manches Frida is a remake of the original movie Fack ju Göhte, which is German.
What You'll Learn
No Manches Frida is a great watch for school-related vocab, Spanish language colloquialisms, and an insight into how teenagers communicate in Spanish with one another.
Remember to use the subtitles feature on Amazon Prime Video to help you note new vocab.
4. Santa & Andrés

This is the story of an improbable friendship forming between a revolutionary country girl and a noncompliant gay novelist in 1983 in Cuba.
Santa has to keep an eye on Andrés for three consecutive days while he is on house arrest to prevent him from disrupting a political event and getting the attention of foreign journalists.
The two unlikely friends discover they have a lot in common during their time locked down together.
What You'll Learn
Santa & Andrés was banned in its home country of Cuba due to its controversial topics and consequential protests.
You can use this film to practice vocabulary relating to societal values, homosexuality, and other hot political topics.
5. La Buena Vida

This is one of the best Spanish movies on Amazon Prime Video for learning the hard truth about globalization and greed.
Translated in English as "The Good Life", this film tells the story of a Colombian village called Tamaquito, and how it is affected by rising global energy consumption.
The film explores how this environmental issue is driven by affluence and capitalistic ideals.
Determined to save his community from forced resettlement, Jairo Fuentes, their leader, tries to negotiate with coal mine operators, but this quickly turns into a struggle for survival.
What You'll Learn
La Buena Vida is a tough film to watch, as it plays out the real-life story of deforestation and destruction of native Columbian lands.
However, it is important to be aware of these issues and to understand how western ideals impact native people across the globe.
Watch La Buena Vida in order to learn more about the ethnicity and biodiversity of Colombia.
6. El Abrazo de la Serpiente

This is a fascinating and very unusual story told in two parts, in 1909 and 1940. In both parts of the story, Karamakate, an Amazonian shaman, helps a scientist discover the yakruna plant, which is supposed to have special properties.
During their time in the Amazon jungle in 1909, Karamakate and the scientist discover a remote community of orphans led by a Spanish capuchin friar.
In the second half of the story, in 1940, this community has turned into a cult of now adult orphans who perform religious rituals like crucifixion.
In the end, both scientists discover the yakruna plant and Karamakate manages to prevent it from being taken back to the U.S for military purposes.
What You'll Learn
The film explores religious themes, spirituality, and how indigenous communities worship nature.
Intervowen into the spiritual plot is the theme of western corruption of sacred land and capitalistic greed seeping into the Amazon.
You will learn words and phrases relating to spiritualism, nature, and religion.
7. Diarios de Motocicleta

The name of this Spanish film translates as "motorcycle diaries" and it is based on the travel diaries of Ernesto "Che" Guevara and his friend Alberto Granado.
The Motorcycle Diaries is one of the most famous movies in Latin America. It features famous Mexican actor Gael García Bernal (often described as Latin American cinema's Brad Pitt) as Che.
This Spanish-language movie tells the real-life story of Che and Alberto's 1952 journey around South America.
The men discovered many truths about the continent during this trip that changed the course of their lives forever.
Che Guevara learned of the plight of the indigenous and peasant people across South America. This informed the political ideologies he became so famous for later, during the Cuban revolution.
What You'll Learn
This movie will teach you about the lives of the poor and native people across South America in the 1950s. Moreover, you will learn the backdrop for the 1953-59 Cuban revolution.
Watch Diarios de Motocicleta if you want to learn words and phrases related to politics and war, which can always come in handy at the dinner table!
8. Mi Mejor Amigo

This film tells another story of unlikely friendship and bravery. Lorenzo, a quiet teenager, welcomes the troubled Caíto into his home after he was asked to leave by his family.
The movie, called "My Best Friend" in English, explores the complex relationship between the two boys, both of whom learn a lot from the other.
But when Caíto discloses to Lorenzo the real reason he had to leave his home, can Lorenzo stand to keep the heavy secret?
What You'll Learn
This film is full of useful Spanish phrases for getting to know someone and making friends. As it is an Argentine movie, some of the language used is specific to this country.
See if you can spot the accents as you listen to the dialogue.
9. El Crimen del Padre Amaro

The newly ordained priest, Father Amaro, who is just 24, is sent to a small parish church in Los Reyes, Mexico to assist the aging Father Benito in his daily work.
Father Amaro soon discovers corruption and religion go hand-in-hand in this small Mexican town.
Sexual passions threaten to corrupt the young priest, while drug money is being used by the church to build a hospital and another priest aids guerilla troops in the highlands.
How can a priest keep his faith while all these different aspects of life in Mexico threaten it This is certainly one of the more controversial movies on Amazon Prime.
What You'll Learn
El Crimen del Padre Amaro is one of the top Spanish-language movies on Amazon Prime Video for exploring organized religion in the incredibly religious country of Mexico.
It offers a fascinating insight into the priesthood, as well as the levels of power and influence in Mexico. It also provides opportunities to listen to Mexican accents and colloquialisms.
10. Pelo Malo

This Argentine-Venezuelan-German-Peruvian co-production tells the story of Junior, a 9-year-old boy with "bad hair" (hence the movie name in Spanish) who lives with his mother and younger brother.
Junior's anti-macho interest in straightening his long curly hair causes conflict with his mother, who worries about his sexual identity and "otherness" in their unforgiving community.
Set in Caracas, Venezuela, on the backdrop of military tensions and political upheaval, this story of a mother and son navigating their housing projects together is vibrant, emotional, and very well-cast.
What You'll Learn
This film makes the list of the best Spanish movies on Amazon Prime Video because it is very informative about the Venezuelan political and military situation and its impact on the everyday life and happiness of a working Venezuelan family.
Moreover, you can explore societal values relating to sexuality and gender expression in Venezuela.
11. Canela

This film explores the importance of food and family traditions in Mexico City. In the movie, called "Cinnamon" in English, a Mexican family suffers a loss and struggles to keep their traditions alive under the weight of grief.
This family-centered film unpicks how traditional recipes and cooking together bond a family and preserve their legacy, even after death.
The dramatic and entertaining Spanish-language movie turns into a battle of recipes and flavors, with tradition facing off with new trends and fusions.
What You'll Learn
With Canela, you will get a look at culture, family life, and food in Mexico City as two chefs battle for dominance in a Mexican restaurant.
This film will also provide you with a lot of food and family-based vocab.
Watch this movie with friends and discuss whether you think tradition should always outweigh new trends and modern times.
12. Casi Casi

This film is set in a Puerto Rican Catholic school and follows Emilio, a shy student who is often bullied by the principal, in his quest to date the most popular girl in class.
Casi Casi is a feel-good romantic comedy film with a similar fun and dramatic feel to the classics Mean Girls and Clueless.
Featuring typical teenage fallout, school politics, and ugly competition, this movie will appeal to all viewers, but especially young girls and everyone who loves a good rom-com.
What You'll Learn
This Spanish-language film will introduce you to Puerto Rican culture, language and accents. Watch this low-budget but well-reviewed movie to pick up teenage colloquialisms and slang.
Finally...Some Honorable Mentions
Finally, to round off this list of the 12 best Spanish movies on Amazon Prime, here are some final recommendations.
It is often said that the Golden Age of Mexican Cinema was between the 1930s and 1960s, so check this period out for more north American Spanish-language movies. You can even watch something starring Mexican actor Cantinflas.
1. Coyote
Also worth a look is a Spanish series Coyote on Amazon Prime. Learn about tense Mexican/American relations and how illegal immigrants are treated at the border.
2. Under the Same Moon
The film Under The Same Moon also deals with the treacherous journey taken by Mexicans trying to cross the border. In this movie, a young boy attempts to reconnect with his mother but is separated from his smugglers.
3. Como Agua Para Chocolate
Como Agua Para Chocolate is the story of two young lovers torn apart as Tita, the youngest of three sisters, must follow the family tradition of remaining unmarried to care for her mother.
4. BBOY For Life
The movie BBOY For Life, tells the true story of the break dancing subculture of Guatemala City. The film explores gang violence and how life can be made better through dance.
5. Zipi y Zape: La Isla Del Capitan
Finally, for some lighthearted fantasy adventure, check out Zipi y Zape: La Isla Del Capitan.
A family vacation goes awry when Zipi and Zape are left in an orphanage following the disappearance of their parents. Adventure and magic ensue.
FAQs: Spanish Language Movies
Should I Use English Subtitles or Spanish Subtitles?
You should use English subtitles when watching Spanish movies if you are a complete beginner. It is natural that you will rely on English subtitles. Lingopie offers dual Spanish and English subtitles on its site, which is an excellent feature for beginners.
As your language skills progress, you can work toward using Spanish subtitles instead of English subtitles.
Can I Learn Spanish Just from Watching Movies?
Watching Spanish movies is a valid learning method and is proven to be very helpful for anybody learning Spanish.
However, watching Spanish movies works best in conjunction with other forms of study, such as language exchanges and online lessons.
What Else Can I Learn from Spanish Movies?
As well as language acquisition, watching Spanish movies enables you to develop a deep understanding of culture and history across Spanish-speaking countries.
This includes learning about indigenous traditions that pre-date Spanish involvement in Latin America and the fascinating mix of cultures, arts, and people that exist today in the Spanish-speaking world.
What Is the Disney Film with the Young Mexican Boy Who Wants to Be a Musician?
Coco! This brilliant Disney movie is a great watch for kids and adults alike who want to learn about Mexican culture and traditional music. You can find this movie on Disney+, not on Amazon Prime Video.
For more great kids' movies that teach a bit about Latin American and Spanish culture and music, check out Encanto. This is the story of a family in Columbia with magical powers. Also, Ferdinand, a movie that tells the story of a pacifist bull in Spain who refuses to fight.

Summing Up: The Best Amazon Prime Spanish Movies For Language Learning
This has been a guide to 12 of the best Spanish-language films on Amazon Prime Video for learning Spanish. Now that you know the synopses and what you'll learn, you have (hopefully) been inspired to start binging today!
Watching these Spanish movies on Amazon Prime Video and other streaming services will expose you to practical and useful words and phrases, accents, dialects, colloquialisms, and cultural points from Spain and Latin America.
Discover music and gripping true stories and learn about life across the Spanish-speaking world.
And speaking of other streaming services, we also have a guide to the best Spanish shows to learn the language on Netflix make sure to check it out.
Don't forget to subscribe to Lingopie for more awesome Spanish-language movies, TV shows, music, and content. With Lingopie's dual subtitles feature and games, you can read in both languages and have plenty of fun along the way.
Related: Learn Spanish with the Best Telenovelas
Moreover, if you don't know a word, you can click on the subtitles to generate an interactive flashcard for you to study. What are you waiting for?
Get started on your Spanish learning journey today!