Everyone loves feeling special on their birthday, and what better way to surprise your Portuguese-speaking friends than by wishing them happy birthday in their native language? In this guide, we'll walk you through the most common (and some fun) ways to say Happy Birthday in Portuguese.
Plus, we'll throw in some useful birthday-related vocabulary that'll help you join in all the festa (party) conversations!
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How To Say Happy Birthday In Portuguese
The most common and direct way to say "Happy Birthday" in Portuguese is "Feliz Aniversário" (feh-LEEZ ah-nee-ver-SAH-ree-oh). While this literally translates to "Happy Anniversary," it's the standard phrase used for birthdays in both Brazilian and European Portuguese. You might also hear "Parabéns" (pah-rah-BAINS), which means "Congratulations" but is just as frequently used for birthday wishes.
You can also add "pra você" (prah voh-SAY) meaning "to you" at the end, making it "Feliz aniversário pra você" – a more personal touch that's commonly used when speaking directly to someone. In casual Brazilian Portuguese, you might hear "pra" shortened from the more formal "para," but both forms are perfectly acceptable.
How To Personalize Birthday Wishes In Portuguese
In Portuguese, you can easily customize your greetings by adding the person's name after most birthday expressions, or by using common terms of endearment like "querido/a" (dear) or "amor" (love). Just remember that Portuguese uses different endings for masculine (-o) and feminine (-a) terms, so you'll want to match these to the gender of the person you're addressing.
Portuguese Birthday Template | How to Use | Example |
Feliz aniversário, ___! | Add name or nickname | Feliz aniversário, João! |
Parabéns, ___ querido/a! | Add name + querido (m) or querida (f) | Parabéns, Maria querida! |
Muitas felicidades, meu/minha ___! | Add meu (m) or minha (f) + amor/anjo/bem | Muitas felicidades, meu amor! |
Tudo de bom pra você, ___! | Add name or term of endearment | Tudo de bom pra você, querido! |
___, que seu dia seja maravilhoso! | Start with name | Lucas, que seu dia seja maravilhoso! |
Um feliz aniversário para ___, com carinho! | Add name or relationship | Um feliz aniversário para minha amiga, com carinho! |
In Portuguese culture, using terms of endearment (carinho) adds warmth and affection to birthday greetings. These sweet nicknames and expressions of fondness are commonly used among family, friends, and loved ones. To help you complete the expressions above, you can use the following terms of endearment in Portuguese.
Term of Endearment | Pronunciation | Meaning | Usage |
Querido/a | keh-REE-doo/dah | Dear one | Universal, can be used for anyone |
Amor | ah-MOHR | Love | Close relationships, romantic partners |
Meu bem/Minha bem | meh-oo/MIN-yah bein | My dear | Friends or romantic partners |
Anjo | AHN-zhoo | Angel | Very affectionate, used for close ones |
Lindão/Linda | leen-DOWM/LEEN-dah | Beautiful one | Friends or romantic partners |
Fofo/a | FOH-foo/fah | Cutie | Casual, friendly |
Amorzinho | ah-mor-ZEE-nyoo | Little love | Very sweet, intimate |
Príncipe/Princesa | PRIN-see-peh/prin-SEH-zah | Prince/Princess | Often used for younger people |
Tesouro | teh-ZOH-roo | Treasure | Very dear ones |
Amigo/a do coração | ah-MEE-go/gah doo coh-rah-SOWM | Friend of the heart | Close friends |
Example Usage:
- "Feliz aniversário, meu anjo!"
- "Parabéns, querida!"
- "Tudo de bom, amorzinho!"
- "Muitas felicidades, tesouro!"
Other Ways To Say Happy Birthday In Portuguese
Just like in English, Portuguese speakers have plenty of creative ways to wish someone a happy birthday beyond the standard "Feliz Aniversário." These expressions range from casual to formal, and some are particularly common in text messages or social media posts.
Portuguese Birthday Greeting | Pronunciation | English Translation | Usage Context |
Parabéns pelo seu dia! | pah-rah-BAINS peh-loh seh-oo DEE-ah | Congratulations on your day! | Casual, widely used |
Muitas felicidades | moo-EE-tahs feh-lee-see-DAH-jehs | Many happiness/felicities | Formal, traditional |
Tudo de bom | TOO-doo jee BOHN | All the best | Very casual, friendly |
Que seu dia seja especial | keh seh-oo DEE-ah SEH-jah eh-speh-see-AL | May your day be special | Warm, thoughtful |
Feliz novo ano de vida | feh-LEEZ NOH-voo AH-noo jee VEE-dah | Happy new year of life | More poetic, heartfelt |
Muitos anos de vida | moo-EE-tohs AH-nohs jee VEE-dah | Many years of life | Traditional blessing |
How To Sing Happy Birthday In Portuguese
If you've ever been to a Brazilian or Portuguese birthday party, you've probably heard the lively "Parabéns a Você" – the Portuguese version of the Happy Birthday song. This catchy tune follows the same melody as the English version but with its own unique lyrics.
English Version | Portuguese Version | Pronunciation |
Happy birthday to you | Parabéns a você | pah-rah-BAINS ah voh-SAY |
Happy birthday to you | Nesta data querida | NES-tah DAH-tah keh-REE-dah |
Happy birthday dear [name] | Muitas felicidades | moo-EE-tahs feh-lee-see-DAH-jehs |
Happy birthday to you | Muitos anos de vida | moo-EE-tohs AH-nohs jee VEE-dah |
(Additional Brazilian line) | Viva o/a [name]! | VEE-vah oo/ah [name] |
(Response to Viva) | Viva! | VEE-vah |

Creative Happy Birthday Wishes In Portuguese
Want to go beyond the basic "Feliz Aniversário"? Portuguese speakers love to get creative and heartfelt with their birthday messages, especially on social media or in birthday cards. These expressive wishes can range from sweetly poetic to playfully humorous, showing extra thoughtfulness in your birthday greetings.
Creative Portuguese Wish | English Translation | Best Used For |
Que este novo ano de vida seja repleto de alegrias | May this new year of life be full of joy | Close friends/family |
Que todos os seus sonhos se realizem neste dia especial | May all your dreams come true on this special day | Anyone |
Hoje é dia de festa, sorrisos e alegria! | Today is a day of celebration, smiles, and joy! | Casual/Social media |
Que seu dia seja tão especial quanto você | May your day be as special as you are | Close relationships |
Muita paz, amor e sucesso nessa nova idade | Much peace, love and success in this new age | Professional/Formal |
Um ano cheio de momentos mágicos pra você | A year full of magical moments for you | Friends |
Que Deus te abençoe nessa nova jornada | May God bless you on this new journey | Religious context |
Hoje o dia é todo seu! Aproveite! | Today is all yours! Enjoy! | Casual/Fun |
And if you're looking to make your Instagram or Facebook birthday post stand out, here are some perfect Portuguese captions complete with emojis that'll get those likes rolling in:
"🎉 Mais um ano de pura alegria e conquistas!" (Another year of pure joy and achievements!)
- "✨ Brilha muito nesse dia especial!" (Shine bright on this special day!)
- "🎂 Que esse novo ciclo seja incrível!" (May this new cycle be incredible!)
- "💫 Um novo ano cheio de bênçãos pra você!" (A new year full of blessings for you!)
- "🎈 Hoje é dia de comemorar sua vida!" (Today is the day to celebrate your life!)

Birthday Words In Portuguese
Whether you're attending a festa de aniversário (birthday party) or just want to expand your Portuguese vocabulary, knowing these birthday-related words and phrases will help you navigate any birthday celebration in Portuguese-speaking countries.
Portuguese Word/Phrase | Pronunciation | English Translation | Usage Example |
Festa de aniversário | FES-tah jee ah-nee-ver-SAH-ree-oh | Birthday party | "A festa de aniversário é no sábado" (The birthday party is on Saturday) |
Bolo | BOH-loh | Cake | "O bolo está delicioso!" (The cake is delicious!) |
Presente | preh-ZEN-chee | Gift | "Trouxe um presente pra você" (I brought you a gift) |
Vela(s) | VEH-lah(s) | Candle(s) | "Hora de soprar as velas!" (Time to blow out the candles!) |
Convite | con-VEE-chee | Invitation | "Você recebeu o convite?" (Did you receive the invitation?) |
Surpresa | soor-PREH-zah | Surprise | "É uma festa surpresa!" (It's a surprise party!) |
Decoração | deh-cor-ah-SOW | Decoration | "A decoração está linda" (The decoration is beautiful) |
Balões | bah-LOYCE | Balloons | "Vamos encher os balões" (Let's inflate the balloons) |
Doces | DOH-ses | Sweets/Candy | "Tem muitos doces na mesa" (There are lots of sweets on the table) |
Brigadeiros | bree-gah-DAY-rohs | Brazilian chocolate truffles | "Brigadeiros são essenciais!" (Brigadeiros are essential!) |
Aniversariante | ah-nee-ver-sah-ree-AN-chee | Birthday person | "Cadê o aniversariante?" (Where's the birthday person?) |
Salgadinhos | sal-gah-JEEN-yos | Savory snacks | "Os salgadinhos acabaram" (The savory snacks are gone) |
Parabéns | pah-rah-BAINS | Congratulations | "Mil parabéns!" (A thousand congratulations!) |
Idade | ee-DAH-jee | Age | "Qual é a sua idade?" (What's your age?) |
Comemoração | co-mem-oh-rah-SOW | Celebration | "Que linda comemoração!" (What a beautiful celebration!) |
Party Phrases You Might Hear:
- "Faz um pedido!" - Make a wish!
- "Hora do parabéns!" - Time to sing happy birthday!
- "Discurso! Discurso!" - Speech! Speech!
- "Mais um ano de vida" - Another year of life
- "Muitos anos de vida" - Many years of life
Traditional Portuguese Birthday Foods
No Portuguese birthday celebration is complete without a spread of traditional treats and savory delights. Unlike many cultures that focus mainly on cake, Portuguese birthday celebrations often feature an abundant table of both sweet and savory specialties.
Portuguese Treat | Pronunciation | Description | When It's Served |
Bolo de Aniversário | BOH-loh deh ah-nee-ver-SAH-ree-oh | Traditional birthday cake, often layered with doce de ovos (egg cream) | Main dessert |
Bolo Rei | BOH-loh RAY | Traditional "King's Cake" with crystallized fruits (popular for winter birthdays) | Special occasions |
Pastéis de Nata | pash-TAYSH deh NAH-tah | Iconic Portuguese custard tarts | Throughout celebration |
Croquetes | crow-KEH-tesh | Meat croquettes, usually beef or chicken | Appetizers |
Rissóis | hee-SOYSH | Breaded pastries filled with shrimp or meat | Party starters |
Bolas de Berlim | BOH-lash deh behr-LEEM | Portuguese doughnuts filled with cream | Sweet table |
Aletria | ah-leh-TREE-ah | Sweet angel hair pasta dessert with cinnamon | Dessert table |
Filhoses | fee-LOH-zesh | Traditional Portuguese fried dough | Sweet snacks |
Beijinhos | bay-ZHEEN-yosh | Coconut "little kisses" cookies | With coffee/tea |
Bolinhos de Bacalhau | boh-LEEN-yosh deh bah-kahl-YAO | Codfish cakes | Savory appetizers |
Key Cultural Notes:
- Birthday meals are typically long, leisurely affairs
- Food is served family-style with everyone sharing
- Coffee (café) is always served with desserts
- Sweet and savory items are usually served separately
- Port wine might be opened for special birthday toasts
- Many families still prepare these treats from scratch
Ready To Celebrate In Portuguese?
Think about it - there's nothing more awkward than standing in silence while everyone else belts out "Parabéns" at a Portuguese birthday party. Or worse, mumbling through the birthday song pretending you know the words! Now that you've got these birthday expressions in your pocket, it's time to actually hear how they sound in real life.

Our advice? Jump into Lingopie and catch these phrases in action through authentic Portuguese TV shows and movies! No more robotic pronunciation or missing cultural cues - just real Portuguese speakers celebrating real birthdays. Interested? Get your FREE 7-day access today!