12 Zodiac Signs In Italian: A Practical Guide To Terms And Phrases

Ever heard someone ask "Di che segno sei?" and instantly scratched your head because you have absolutely zero idea what they are talking about? Relax. They're just curious about your zodiac sign! Now, you could stumble through an English reply, but why not impress them with an Italian answer?

In this post, I'll let you in on all the zodiac signs in Italian and drop a few helpful Italian phrases and cultural tidbits related to this. Trust me, this topic is pretty handy as it can help break the ice - especially when you're learning Italian from scratch!

Interested to read about the zodiac signs in other languages? Learn from these posts:

How To Ask What's Your Zodiac Sign In Italian?

To ask "What's your zodiac sign?" in Italian, you simply say "Qual è il tuo segno zodiacale?" (pronounced: kwahl eh eel two-oh sen-yoh zoh-dee-ah-kah-leh). This direct question is the most common way to inquire about someone's astrological sign in Italian.

However, there are several other ways to ask about zodiac signs in Italian. Here's a table with some variations:

Italian PhraseEnglish TranslationNotes
Di che segno sei?What sign are you?Most casual, common phrase
Sotto quale segno sei nato/a?Under which sign were you born?More formal
Quando compi gli anni?When's your birthday?Indirect way to determine sign
In che mese sei nato/a?In which month were you born?Another indirect approach
Credi nell'astrologia?Do you believe in astrology?Opens a broader conversation

Italians, in general, tend to have a casual interest in astrology and zodiac signs. While not everyone takes it seriously, many Italians enjoy discussing zodiac signs as a light-hearted topic of conversation. It's often seen as a fun way to break the ice or to playfully speculate about personality traits.

Photo by Nastya Dulhiier / Unsplash

Italian Zodiac Signs - I segni zodiacali

I segni zodiacali (the zodiac signs) are certainly a huge part of Italian casual conversation and pop culture. Whether you're reading your horoscope in an Italian mag or chatting about compatibility with friends, knowing these terms will come in handy.

Let's explore the 12 zodiac signs in Italian and their English counterparts.

Italian Zodiac SignEnglish Translation
il ToroTaurus
i GemelliGemini
il CancroCancer
il LeoneLeo
la VergineVirgo
la BilanciaLibra
lo ScorpioneScorpio
il SagittarioSagittarius
il CapricornoCapricorn
i PesciPisces

You might have noticed that the zodiac signs in Italian are preceded by different articles (il, lo, la, l'). This is due to the grammatical rules of the Italian language:

  1. "il" is used for masculine nouns beginning with a consonant (except for those starting with z, s + consonant, ps, gn).
  2. "lo" is used for masculine nouns beginning with z, s + consonant, ps, gn.
  3. "la" is used for feminine nouns.
  4. "l'" is used for both masculine and feminine nouns beginning with a vowel.
  5. "i" is used for masculine plural nouns.

For example, we say "il Toro" because Toro is masculine and starts with a consonant, but "lo Scorpione" because Scorpione is masculine and starts with 's + consonant'. "La Vergine" is feminine, hence the "la". "L'Ariete" and "l'Acquario" both start with vowels, so they use "l'" regardless of gender.

How To Say Your Zodiac Sign In Italian

When someone asks you "Di che segno sei?" or "Qual è il tuo segno zodiacale?", there are two main ways to respond in Italian. Both methods require the use of articulated Italian prepositions, specifically 'di' (of) combined with the appropriate definite article. Let's break it down:

Sono del + [zodiac sign]

This translates to "I am of the [zodiac sign]." For example:

  • Sono dell'Ariete. (I am an Aries.)
  • Sono del Toro. (I am a Taurus.)

Il mio segno è + [zodiac sign]

This means "My sign is [zodiac sign]." For instance:

  • Il mio segno è la Vergine. (My sign is Virgo.)
  • Il mio segno è lo Scorpione. (My sign is Scorpio.)

The key to forming these responses correctly lies in using the right articulated preposition. Here's how 'di' combines with different articles:

  • di + il = del
  • di + lo = dello
  • di + la = della
  • di + l' = dell'
  • di + i = dei

So, depending on your zodiac sign, you would say:

  • Sono del Cancro. (I am a Cancer.)
  • Sono dello Scorpione. (I am a Scorpio.)
  • Sono della Bilancia. (I am a Libra.)
  • Sono dell'Ariete. (I am an Aries.)
  • Sono dei Gemelli. (I am a Gemini.)

Remember, when using the second method ("Il mio segno è..."), you simply use the definite article that goes with the zodiac sign, without combining it with 'di'.

Italian Movies About Space and the Cosmos

While Italy may not be as well-known for space-themed movies as some other countries, there are several Italian films that explore cosmic themes, often blending science fiction with drama or comedy. Here are a few classic examples:

  1. Star Odyssey (1979) - Pretty much the Italian Star Wars!
  2. Assignment Outer Space (1960) - One of the earliest Italian space adventure films.
  3. Planet of the Vampires (1965) - A cult classic blending sci-fi and horror elements.

Want to explore these cosmic Italian films and improve your language skills at the same time? Lingopie offers a unique opportunity to do just that! With Lingopie, you can watch authentic Italian content with interactive subtitles, allowing you to learn new vocabulary (plus understand Italian-American slang) and Italian phrases in context.

Describing Zodiac Traits in Italian

Just like in many cultures, Italians often associate certain personality traits with each zodiac sign. While these are generalizations and shouldn't be taken too seriously, they're commonly used in casual conversation and can be a fun way to practice your Italian.

Zodiac Sign Common Traits in Italian
Ariete coraggioso (brave), impulsivo (impulsive)
Toro testardo (stubborn), affidabile (reliable)
Gemelli versatile (versatile), curioso (curious)
Cancro emotivo (emotional), protettivo (protective)
Leone carismatico (charismatic), orgoglioso (proud)
Vergine perfezionista (perfectionist), pratico (practical)
Bilancia diplomatico (diplomatic), indeciso (indecisive)
Scorpione passionale (passionate), misterioso (mysterious)
Sagittario ottimista (optimistic), avventuroso (adventurous)
Capricorno ambizioso (ambitious), responsabile (responsible)
Acquario originale (original), indipendente (independent)
Pesci creativo (creative), sensibile (sensitive)

To use these traits in sentences, you can follow these structures:

[Zodiac sign] è [trait]
Example: "Il Toro è testardo." (Taurus is stubborn.)

I [zodiac sign] sono [trait].
Example: "I Gemelli sono curiosi." (Geminis are curious.)

Come [zodiac sign], sono [trait].
Example: "Come Scorpione, sono passionale." (As a Scorpio, I am passionate.)

È [trait] come un vero [zodiac sign].
Example: "È ambizioso come un vero Capricorno." (He's ambitious like a true Capricorn.)

Remember, when discussing zodiac traits, Italians often use these descriptions lightheartedly. It's common to hear Italian phrases like "Sei così Ariete!" (You're so Aries!) when someone displays a trait typically associated with that sign.

Polystyrene Planets
Photo by David Menidrey / Unsplash

Planets In Italian Astrology

Each planet, or "pianeta" in Italian, is believed to rule over specific zodiac signs and embody certain energies. For instance, Mars (Marte) is often associated with passion and aggression, while Venus (Venere) represents love and beauty.

To help you out in this aspect, check out the terminologies I rounded up below!

Italian Name English Name Associated Traits
il Sole the Sun Vitality, ego
la Luna the Moon Emotions, intuition
Mercurio Mercury Communication, intellect
Venere Venus Love, beauty
Marte Mars Energy, passion
Giove Jupiter Luck, expansion
Saturno Saturn Discipline, responsibility
Urano Uranus Innovation, rebellion
Nettuno Neptune Dreams, spirituality
Plutone Pluto Transformation, power

It's worth noting that in Italian, "il Sole" (the Sun) and "la Luna" (the Moon) are considered planets in astrological contexts, even though astronomically they are not classified as such.

Interestingly, the Italian names for the days of the week are closely tied to these celestial bodies:

  • Lunedì (Monday) - day of the Moon
  • Martedì (Tuesday) - day of Mars
  • Mercoledì (Wednesday) - day of Mercury
  • Giovedì (Thursday) - day of Jupiter
  • Venerdì (Friday) - day of Venus

This connection between planets and weekdays offers a fascinating glimpse into how deeply astronomical concepts are embedded in the Italian language and culture.

Italian Words And Phrases To Discuss Horoscopes

Whether you're reading your daily horoscope in an Italian newspaper or discussing astrological predictions with friends, knowing the right vocabulary can make these conversations more engaging and authentic.

Here are some keywords and phrases to help you navigate the world of Italian horoscopes:

Basic Terms

  • L'oroscopo - The horoscope
  • La previsione - The prediction
  • Il futuro - The future
  • La fortuna - Luck
  • Il destino - Destiny

Time Periods

  • Giornaliero - Daily
  • Settimanale - Weekly
  • Mensile - Monthly
  • Annuale - Yearly

Astrological Concepts

  • L'ascendente - The rising sign
  • La casa - The house
  • L'aspetto - The aspect
  • La congiunzione - The conjunction
  • L'opposizione - The opposition
  • Il Fuoco - Fire
  • La Terra - Earth
  • L'Aria - Air
  • L'Acqua - Water

Common Phrases

  • "Cosa dicono le stelle?" - What do the stars say?
  • "Secondo il mio oroscopo..." - According to my horoscope...
  • "Le stelle sono favorevoli" - The stars are favorable
  • "Mercurio è retrogrado" - Mercury is retrograde
  • "C'è una buona configurazione astrale" - There's a good astrological configuration

Predictions and Advice

  • "Dovresti fare attenzione a..." - You should be careful about...
  • "È un buon momento per..." - It's a good time to...
  • "Evita di prendere decisioni importanti" - Avoid making important decisions
  • "Potresti incontrare l'anima gemella" - You might meet your soulmate
  • "Ci saranno opportunità in ambito lavorativo" - There will be opportunities in the work field

Emotions and States

  • Sei stressato/a - You're stressed
  • Sei energico/a - You're energetic
  • Sei romantico/a - You're romantic
  • Sei creativo/a - You're creative
  • Sei fortunato/a - You're lucky

Remember, while horoscopes are popular in Italy, attitudes towards them vary. Some people take them seriously, while others view them as mere entertainment. Regardless, these phrases can be a fun way to practice your Italian and engage in light-hearted conversations about astrology and predictions.


Learn Italian With Lingopie

From asking about zodiac signs to discussing planetary influences, you're now equipped with a celestial toolkit of Italian astrological terms. But why stop at the stars? Your journey into the Italian language can be as vast and exciting as the universe itself!

Lingopie offers an out-of-this-world opportunity to immerse yourself in authentic Italian content. Here's why it's a stellar choice:

  1. Real Italian TV shows and movies: Learn from native speakers in context.
  2. Interactive subtitles: Click on any word for instant translations.
  3. Personalized learning: Tailored to your level and interests.
  4. Fun and engaging: No dry textbooks—just entertaining content you'll love.

Whether you're aiming to discuss complex astrological concepts or simply order a cappuccino like a local, Lingopie can help you reach for the stars in your Italian learning journey.

So, why wait? Le stelle sono allineate (the stars are aligned) for you to start your Italian adventure today! Try Lingopie now!

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