Astrology has fascinated people for centuries, with zodiac signs, or signe du zodiaque in French, at the heart of this cosmic intrigue. Whether you’re a firm believer or a curious skeptic, knowing your signs can be a fun way to explore your personality traits.
But how about taking it a step further and learning your zodiac sign in another language? Specifically, the French language—one of the most romantic and widely spoken languages in the world.
In this article, I'll let you in on everything you need to know about the Zodiac signs in French. If you fancy articles like this, be sure to read our other posts:

How to Talk About Your Zodiac Sign in French
If you're curious about someone’s zodiac sign and want to ask them in French, there are a couple of simple and commonly used phrases. The easiest way to ask "What's your zodiac sign?" is by saying "Quel est ton signe astrologique?" or "Tu es de quel signe?" Both expressions are understood and widely used in French-speaking regions.
- "Quel est ton signe astrologique?" translates to "What is your astrological sign?"
- "Tu es de quel signe?" means "What sign are you?"
Either of these questions will help you find out someone's zodiac sign in French. If you want to explore more advanced variations, here are a few extra phrases you can use to enrich your conversations:
French Phrase | English Translation | Pronunciation |
Sous quel signe es-tu né(e)? | Under what sign were you born? | Soo kel seen eh too nay |
Quel est ton signe du zodiaque? | What is your zodiac sign? | Kel eh ton seen dew zoh-dee-ak |
Tu es né(e) sous quel signe? | You were born under which sign? | Too eh nay soo kel seen |
In French-speaking cultures, it's common to talk about zodiac signs as a way to break the ice or get to know someone better. In fact, a poll by Time Magazine revealed that about 53% of Frenchmen regularly read their horoscopes!
12 Zodiac Signs In French
Excited to explore astrology in French? Whether you’re a confident Aries or a balanced Libra, learning your zodiac sign in French is a fun way to connect with native speakers and add a little extra charm to your conversations. It’s a simple and enjoyable way to mix language learning with something you already love!
English (Birth Dates) | French (Dates de naissance) |
Aries (March 21 - April 19) | Bélier (21 mars - 19 avril) |
Taurus (April 20 - May 20) | Taureau (20 avril - 20 mai) |
Gemini (May 21 - June 20) | Gémeaux (21 mai - 20 juin) |
Cancer (June 21 - July 22) | Cancer (21 juin - 22 juillet) |
Leo (July 23 - August 22) | Lion (23 juillet - 22 août) |
Virgo (August 23 - September 22) | Vierge (23 août - 22 septembre) |
Libra (September 23 - October 22) | Balance (23 septembre - 22 octobre) |
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) | Scorpion (23 octobre - 21 novembre) |
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) | Sagittaire (22 novembre - 21 décembre) |
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) | Capricorne (22 décembre - 19 janvier) |
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) | Verseau (20 janvier - 18 février) |
Pisces (February 19 - March 20) | Poissons (19 février - 20 mars) |
Now, let’s break down each zodiac sign in French and explore its meaning!
Scorpion (Scorpio)
Pronunciation: skor-pee-ohn
Scorpions are known for their intense and mysterious nature, and this remains true in French astrology. People born under Scorpion are often described as passionné(e) (passionate) and déterminé(e) (determined). They have a reputation for being deeply emotional and fiercely loyal to those they care about. However, betray a Scorpion, and you may face their vengeance.
In French culture, Scorpions are associated with transformation and pouvoir personnel (personal power), much like their English counterparts. They’re the people you want on your side because they can see beneath the surface and aren’t afraid of diving into life’s complexities.
Sample sentences:
- "Les Scorpions sont connus pour leur intensité émotionnelle."
(Scorpios are known for their emotional intensity.) - "Mon ami est Scorpion, et il est incroyablement loyal."
(My friend is a Scorpio, and he is incredibly loyal.)
Lion (Leo)
Pronunciation: lee-on
Leos, or Lions in French, truly live up to their zodiac’s namesake—these are the kings and queens of the astrological jungle. Known for their confiance (confidence) and charisme (charisma), Leos can light up any room they walk into. Their generosity knows no bounds, but their fierté (pride) can sometimes get the best of them.
In French astrology, Leos are celebrated for their courage and leadership. They thrive in the spotlight, often craving recognition for their efforts. But beware—if you wound their pride, they won’t soon forget.
Sample sentences:
- "Un Lion ne passe jamais inaperçu à une fête."
(A Leo never goes unnoticed at a party.) - "Ma sœur Lion adore être au centre de l’attention."
(My Leo sister loves being the center of attention.)
Bélier (Aries)
Pronunciation: bay-lyay
Aries, or Bélier in French, is the first sign of the zodiac and represents energy, enthusiasm, and leadership. People born under Bélier are often described as courageux (brave) and impulsif/impulsive (impulsive). They’re known to dive headfirst into new challenges and adventures without hesitation.
In French astrology, Bélier is linked with initiative and action. Béliers love to be in charge, but their impatience can sometimes lead them to act before thinking things through.
Sample sentences:
- "Les Béliers sont souvent des leaders naturels."
(Aries are often natural leaders.) - "Mon frère est Bélier, il adore relever de nouveaux défis."
(My brother is an Aries, and he loves taking on new challenges.)
Vierge (Virgo)
Pronunciation: vyehrzh
Virgos, or Vierges in French, are the perfectionnistes (perfectionists) of the zodiac. Known for their analytical minds and meticulous attention to detail, they thrive on order and efficiency. Pragmatique (practical) and réservé(e) (reserved), they often downplay their accomplishments even when they deserve praise.
In French-speaking cultures, Virgos are admired for their sens du service (sense of service) and their natural desire to help others. Their practical nature makes them excellent problem-solvers, but they can be overly critical of themselves and others.
Sample sentences:
- "Les Vierges sont très organisées et aiment que tout soit en ordre."
(Virgos are very organized and like everything to be in order.) - "Son rapport est impeccable, on dirait du travail de Vierge."
(His report is flawless—it looks like a Virgo’s work.)
Balance (Libra)
Pronunciation: bah-lahnss
Libras, or Balances in French, are all about équilibre (balance) and harmony. They are the diplomates (diplomats) of the zodiac, constantly seeking fairness in every situation. While their love for peace is admirable, their indecisiveness can sometimes slow them down as they strive to make the perfect choice.
In French culture, Balance is known for its sense of justice and harmonie (harmony). Balances are charming and social, excelling in relationships and partnerships, but their quest for balance can sometimes lead to inner conflict.
Sample sentences:
- "Les Balances cherchent toujours à éviter les conflits."
(Libras always try to avoid conflict.) - "Ma meilleure amie Balance est très juste et réfléchie."
(My best friend, a Libra, is very fair and thoughtful.)
Sagittaire (Sagittarius)
Pronunciation: sah-zhee-tair
Sagittarius, known as Sagittaire in French, is the aventurier (adventurer) of the zodiac. With an insatiable appetite for new experiences, Sagittaires are constantly seeking the next horizon. They are known for their optimisme (optimism) and franchise (frankness), which can be both refreshing and surprising.
In French astrology, Sagittaires are associated with philosophie (philosophy) and liberté (freedom). Their independent spirit makes them fun companions, but their blunt honesty can sometimes rub people the wrong way.
Sample sentences:
- "Les Sagittaires adorent voyager et découvrir de nouvelles cultures."
(Sagittarius loves to travel and discover new cultures.) - "Mon père Sagittaire a toujours une vision optimiste de la vie."
(My Sagittarius dad always has an optimistic view of life.)
Capricorne (Capricorn)
Pronunciation: kah-pree-corn
Capricorns, or Capricornes in French, are the travailleurs acharnés (hard workers) of the zodiac. Known for their discipline and ambition, they are constantly striving for success. Capricorns are extremely responsable (responsible) and prudent (cautious), always thinking long-term and planning for the future.
In French culture, Capricornes are admired for their patience and their ability to monter au sommet (climb to the top) step by step. They understand that success takes time and are willing to put in the work to get there.
Sample sentences:
- "Les Capricornes sont très ambitieux et organisés."
(Capricorns are very ambitious and organized.) - "Elle est Capricorne, donc elle prend toujours son temps pour bien faire les choses."
(She’s a Capricorn, so she always takes her time to do things right.)
Verseau (Aquarius)
Pronunciation: vair-soh
Aquarius, or Verseau in French, is the visionnaire (visionary) of the zodiac. Known for their indépendance (independence) and originalité (originality), they often march to the beat of their own drum. Verseaux are deeply humanitaires (humanitarian), always thinking about how to make the world a better place.
In French-speaking cultures, Verseaux are often referred to as les innovateurs (the innovators) because of their forward-thinking mindset. They’re quirky, eccentric, and proud of it.
Sample sentences:
- "Les Verseaux adorent être différents et ne suivent jamais la foule."
(Aquarians love being different and never follow the crowd.) - "Mon ami Verseau a toujours des idées révolutionnaires."
(My Aquarius friend always has revolutionary ideas.)
Poissons (Pisces)
Pronunciation: pwah-sohn
Pisces, or Poissons in French, are the rêveurs (dreamers) of the zodiac. Known for their deep intuition and compassion, Poissons are highly empathetic and often have a strong connection to their inner emotional world. They are creative souls who love to s'exprimer artistiquement (express themselves artistically).
In French culture, Poissons are often seen as âmes sensibles (sensitive souls) who are in tune with the emotions of those around them. Their natural adaptability helps them go with the flow, but they can sometimes get lost in their dreams.
Sample sentences:
- "Les Poissons sont très empathiques et ressentent les émotions des autres."
(Pisces are very empathetic and feel others' emotions deeply.) - "Ma sœur Poissons est très créative et adore la peinture."
(My Pisces sister is very creative and loves painting.)
Taureau (Taurus)
Pronunciation: toh-roh
Taureans, or Taureaux in French, are known for their stabilité (stability) and détermination (determination). Much like the bull that symbolizes them, they are grounded, practical, and appreciate the finer things in life. Their love for comfort and beauty is often balanced with their hardworking and tenacious nature.
In French astrology, Taureaux are associated with persévérance (perseverance) and sécurité (security). They are reliable friends who value loyalty, but they can also be têtus (stubborn) when they believe in something strongly.
Sample sentences:
- "Les Taureaux sont connus pour leur force intérieure et leur fiabilité."
(Taureans are known for their inner strength and reliability.) - "Mon ami Taureau adore les bons repas et les beaux objets."
(My Taurus friend loves good food and beautiful things.)
Gémeaux (Gemini)
Pronunciation: zheh-moh
Geminis, or Gémeaux in French, are famous for their dualité (duality) and curiosity. Represented by the twins, they have a versatile and lively nature, always eager to explore new ideas and experiences. Known for being communicatif/communicative (communicative) and sociable, Gémeaux thrive in environments where they can share their thoughts with others.
In French astrology, they are considered intellectuels (intellectuals) who love to learn and adapt to different situations. Their dynamic personality makes them fascinating to be around, but their constantly shifting interests can sometimes make them seem indecisive.
Sample sentences:
- "Les Gémeaux adorent apprendre de nouvelles choses et s'adapter à leur environnement."
(Geminis love learning new things and adapting to their environment.) - "Ma sœur est Gémeaux, elle change toujours d'avis."
(My sister is a Gemini, she’s always changing her mind.)
Cancer (Cancer)
Pronunciation: kawn-sair
Cancerians, or Cancers in French, are deeply emotional and nurturant (nurturing) individuals. They are known for their strong connection to family and home, and their intuition often guides them in their decisions. Cancers are protective of their loved ones and highly empathetic, sometimes to the point of hypersensibilité (hypersensitivity).
In French culture, Cancers are associated with la famille (family) and le foyer (the home). They are the caretakers of the zodiac, always seeking to create a secure and comforting environment for those they care about.
Sample sentences:
- "Les Cancers sont très attachés à leur famille et à leur foyer."
(Cancers are very attached to their family and home.) - "Mon frère Cancer est toujours là pour aider les autres."
(My Cancer brother is always there to help others.)

The Planets in French Astrology
In astrology, the planets play a crucial role in shaping various aspects of life, from emotions to communication. Understanding how to refer to these planets in French can enrich both your astrological knowledge and your language skills. Each planet in French astrology carries specific energies and influences.
English | French | Pronunciation |
Sun | Soleil | soh-lay |
Moon | Lune | loon |
Mercury | Mercure | mehr-kyoor |
Venus | Vénus | vay-noos |
Mars | Mars | marss |
Jupiter | Jupiter | zhoo-pee-tair |
Saturn | Saturne | sah-toorn |
Uranus | Uranus | oo-rah-noos |
Neptune | Neptune | nehp-tune |
Pluto | Pluton | ploo-ton |

Talking About Zodiac Elements in French
In Western astrology, there are four main elements: fire, earth, air, and water. These elements are essential for understanding the nature and characteristics of each zodiac sign. In French, we refer to these as "les éléments du zodiaque." Each element influences how signs express themselves, from fiery enthusiasm to calm earthiness.
- Feu (Fire): Bélier, Lion, Sagittaire
- Terre (Earth): Taureau, Vierge, Capricorne
- Air (Air): Gémeaux, Balance, Verseau
- Eau (Water): Cancer, Scorpion, Poissons
When talking about zodiac elements in French, it’s helpful to know a few key phrases to describe your sign or discuss its elemental traits. Whether you’re sharing your own zodiac element or asking about someone else’s, these expressions will make your astrology conversations much more engaging.
Here's a handy guide to some basic sentence structures and how you can personalize them:
French Template | English Translation | Example |
Mon signe est _____, et c'est un signe de _____. | My sign is _____, and it's a _____ sign. | Mon signe est Lion, et c'est un signe de feu. (My sign is Leo, and it's a fire sign.) |
Les signes de _____ sont connus pour être _____. | _____ signs are known for being _____. | Les signes d'eau sont connus pour être sensibles. (Water signs are known for being sensitive.) |
En tant que _____ (signe), j'ai des caractéristiques de l'élément _____. | As a _____ (sign), I have characteristics of the _____ element. | En tant que Taureau, j'ai des caractéristiques de l'élément terre. (As a Taurus, I have characteristics of the earth element.) |
Es-tu un signe de _____ ? | Are you a _____ sign? | Es-tu un signe d'air ? (Are you an air sign?) |
Les éléments les plus compatibles avec moi sont _____ et _____. | The elements most compatible with me are _____ and _____. | Les éléments les plus compatibles avec moi sont feu et air. (The elements most compatible with me are fire and air.) |
L'élément _____ est associé à _____, _____, et _____. | The _____ element is associated with _____, _____, and _____. | L'élément terre est associé à la stabilité, la patience, et la praticité. (The earth element is associated with stability, patience, and practicality.) |
These templates are great for sparking conversations about the different elemental traits in French astrology.

Describing Zodiac Traits in French
Each zodiac sign is associated with unique traits, and being able to express these in French will allow you to discuss the personalities linked to different signs. Let’s explore some common adjectives used in French astrology and learn how to construct simple sentences about zodiac characteristics.
French | English | Example Sign |
Passionné(e) | Passionate | Bélier (Aries) |
Loyal(e) | Loyal | Taureau (Taurus) |
Polyvalent(e) | Versatile | Gémeaux (Gemini) |
Sensible | Sensitive | Cancer (Cancer) |
Charismatique | Charismatic | Lion (Leo) |
Perfectionniste | Perfectionist | Vierge (Virgo) |
Équilibré(e) | Balanced | Balance (Libra) |
Intense | Intense | Scorpion (Scorpio) |
Aventurier/ère | Adventurous | Sagittaire (Sagittarius) |
Ambitieux/euse | Ambitious | Capricorne (Capricorn) |
Indépendant(e) | Independent | Verseau (Aquarius) |
Imaginatif/ive | Imaginative | Poissons (Pisces) |
To describe zodiac traits in French, you can use the following sentence structure:
Les [zodiac sign] sont [adjective] = The [zodiac sign] are [adjective].
For example:
- Les Bélier sont passionnés. (Aries are passionate.)
- Les Taureau sont loyaux. (Taurus are loyal.)
You can also describe yourself or an individual using this structure:
Comme [zodiac sign], je suis [adjective] = As a [zodiac sign], I am [adjective].
For example:
- Comme Gémeaux, je suis polyvalent(e). (As a Gemini, I am versatile.)
- Comme Cancer, je suis sensible. (As a Cancer, I am sensitive.)
Remember, these traits are generalizations, and not every person will exhibit all the characteristics of their zodiac sign. In French, you might hear people say:
"Tous les [zodiac sign] ne sont pas [adjective]" (Not all [zodiac sign] are [adjective]), to recognize the variability among individuals.
Learn French With Lingopie
Wow! You’ve just taken your first steps into learning the fund side of French. But let’s be honest—memorizing these terms is just the tip of the iceberg. To truly enhance your French, you need to hear it in action, spoken naturally by native speakers.
My advice? Try Lingopie's features!
Picture watching a French series where characters argue over their astrological signs, or a movie where the plot twists based on zodiac traits. With Lingopie, you can do just THAT and learn from context!
Ready to elevate your French skills and explore astrology through real-life conversation? Watch your next French TV show or movie at Lingopie today!