Women's Equality Day + 8 Movies to Celebrate It!

Women's Equality Day marks a significant moment in history. It celebrates the adoption of the 19th Amendment, which allowed women to vote in the United States. This day serves as a reminder of the progress made toward equality and the ongoing efforts to ensure equal rights for all.

One meaningful way to observe this day is by watching movies that reflect the journey toward equality and the strength of women throughout history. In this article, we'll highlight some great films that capture the spirit of Women's Equality Day, offering both inspiration and entertainment.

History Behind Women's Equality Day

Women's Equality Day commemorates a significant milestone in American history: the certification of the 19th Amendment on August 26, 1920. This Amendment made it possible for women to vote, marking a pivotal moment in the long struggle for gender equality in the United States. The journey to secure this right was arduous, involving decades of activism, protests, and advocacy by women who believed in their right to participate fully in the democratic process. The Amendment's certification was the culmination of the women's suffrage movement, a movement that began in earnest in the mid-19th century and finally achieved its goal in 1920.

Today, Women's Equality Day is more than just a historical marker; it serves as a reminder of the ongoing journey toward equality. While the 19th Amendment was a significant achievement, the day also highlights the progress made in various areas of society since then. It's a time to reflect on the strides women have made in the workplace, education, politics, and other fields. Beyond reflection, Women's Equality Day encourages continued efforts toward ensuring equal rights and opportunities for all.

Women's march
Photo by Alice Donovan Rouse on Unsplash

Why Movies Are A Powerful Tool For Celebrating

Women's Equality

Movies are capable of bringing a story to life in a way that's both engaging and powerful. They can capture real experiences and emotions, making complex issues easier to understand and relate to. When it comes to celebrating Women's Equality Day, movies play an important role because they can showcase the journeys of women from different backgrounds and eras, highlighting their struggles, achievements, and the changes they've helped bring about.

Watching movies that focus on women's stories allows us to see the challenges women have faced over time and how they have worked to overcome them. These films can inspire viewers, spark conversations, and help us appreciate the progress that has been made while also recognizing the work that still needs to be done.

Also, movies offer a way to reflect on history and connect it to the present. By watching films about women's experiences, we can better understand the context of this day and why it's significant. This makes movies not just a form of entertainment but a powerful tool for learning and reflection.

8 Movies To Celebrate Women's Equality Day

As we mark Women's Equality Day, there's no better way to honor this important occasion than by watching films that highlight women's power and resilience. Let's dive into these eight powerful movies to both enjoy and reflect on the progress and challenges in the quest for equal rights.


Celebrate International Women’s Day with 14 Foreign Films | Lingopie Blog
See the world through the eyes of women from around the world. Here are 14 foreign films with fearless female leads. Let’s celebrate their mother tongue!

1. Suffragette (2015)

This compelling drama takes us back to the early 20th century, focusing on the women who fought for the right to vote in the UK. The movie tells the story of a working-class woman named Maud who becomes deeply involved in the suffragette movement. Through her eyes, we witness the sacrifices and struggles of women who stood up for their rights. This film is a powerful reminder of the determination and courage it took to secure voting rights for women.

2. Hidden Figures (2016)

Hidden Figures shines a spotlight on the incredible contributions of three African-American women—Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson—who worked at NASA during the space race. Despite facing discrimination and segregation, these women played crucial roles in some of NASA's most important missions. The film is inspiring and uplifting, showing how intelligence, perseverance, and teamwork can break down barriers.

3. The Glorias (2020)

The Glorias is a biographical film that chronicles the life of Gloria Steinem, a key figure in the American women's rights movement. The movie uses multiple actresses to portray Steinem at different stages of her life, weaving together personal experiences with her activism. It's a visually engaging and thought-provoking film that gives insight into the challenges and triumphs of one of the most influential women in modern history.

4. Made in Bangladesh (2019)

Made in Bangladesh tells the story of a young woman named Shimu, who works in a garment factory in Dhaka. After a tragic incident at the factory, Shimu decides to organize a union to fight for better working conditions. This film provides a glimpse into the lives of women in the developing world who are standing up for their rights in the face of tremendous obstacles. It's a compelling story about resilience, solidarity, and the pursuit of justice.

5. She's Beautiful When She's Angry (2014)

She's Beautiful When She's Angry is a documentary about the women's liberation movement in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s. The film features interviews with key activists and archival footage, offering a vivid picture of the era. It covers the movement's successes and challenges, reminding us of the many women who fought for change during a crucial time in history.

6. Selma (2014)

Selma focuses on a determining chapter in the Civil Rights Movement—the 1965 march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. While the film primarily centers on the struggle for African-American voting rights, it also highlights the vital role that women played in the movement. It's a powerful portrayal of the fight for equality and the sacrifices made by those who believed in justice for all.

7. Norma Rae (1979)

Norma Rae tells the story of a textile worker in a small Southern town who becomes involved in the labor union movement after realizing the harsh working conditions she and her coworkers face. The film follows Norma Rae's journey as she fights for workers' rights, ultimately leading her colleagues to unionize. It's an inspiring tale of bravery and standing up for what's right, even when it comes at a personal cost.

8. The Color Purple (1985)

This film is an adaptation of Alice Walker's novel. The story revolves around Celie, an African-American woman in the early 20th century who endures hardships beyond imagination. Despite the many challenges she faces, including abuse and racism, Celie finds strength and resilience. The film highlights the importance of sisterhood and self-discovery and is a powerful testament to human resilience.

Girls liying on the grass with flowers
Photo by Sam McNamara on Unsplash

FAQs About Women's Equality Day

Now, let's take a look at some of the most common questions about Women's Equality Day.

1. What Is the Symbol Of Women's Day?

The symbol most commonly associated with Women's Day, including Women's Equality Day, is the Venus symbol (♀), which represents women and femininity. Additionally, the raised fist, often seen in combination with the Venus symbol, symbolizes women's empowerment and the ongoing fight for gender equality.

2. What Is The Color Of Women's Equality Day?

The color most commonly associated with Women's Equality Day is purple. However, green and white might also be used alongside purple, especially in historical contexts, as these colors were part of the suffragette movement's color scheme.

3. Why Is It Purple On Women's Day?

Purple is used on Women's Day and Women's Equality Day because it symbolizes dignity, justice, and loyalty to the cause of gender equality. The use of purple can be traced back to the early 20th century when the suffragette movement in the UK adopted it.

Final Thoughts


Women's Equality Day is a great time to reflect on the progress we've made and to consider the work that still lies ahead. Watching movies that showcase women's strength, resilience, and achievements is a powerful way to celebrate this day.

But why stop at just watching? With Lingopie, you can learn a new language while enjoying movies, TV shows, and documentaries. Lingopie helps you pick up new words and phrases through authentic content. Whether you're inspired by these stories or just looking to try something new, Lingopie makes it easy to blend learning with entertainment.

So, enjoy these films this Women's Equality Day, spark meaningful conversations, and maybe even start learning a new language. Let's celebrate our achievements and continue striving for a better future for everyone.

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