Imagine you're exploring a charming French-speaking city, or perhaps you're settling into a new life in a French-speaking country. But emergencies can strike at any moment, whether it's a sudden health issue, a lost wallet, or an accident!
In such situations, knowing how to communicate effectively can make all the difference.
In this blog post, you’ll learn essential phrases for emergency in French. These key phrases will help you handle emergencies with confidence and clarity. So, let’s get started and make sure you’re ready for whatever comes your way in France!
Table of Contents
Basic Emergency Phrases In French
In emergency situations, quick and clear communication is essential. Here are some basic French phrases that can help you get the assistance you need:
- Help! – Au secours !
- Call the police! – Appelez la police !
- I need a doctor. – J'ai besoin d'un médecin.
- Where is the nearest hospital? – Où est l'hôpital le plus proche ?
- I’m lost. – Je suis perdu(e).
- Can you call an ambulance? – Pouvez-vous appeler une ambulance ?
- I don’t understand. – Je ne comprends pas.
- Can you speak slowly? – Pouvez-vous parler lentement ?
- Is there a pharmacy nearby? – Y a-t-il une pharmacie à proximité ?
- I need a translator. – J'ai besoin d'un

French Phrases For Medical Emergencies
When facing a medical emergency, being able to clearly describe your symptoms and needs is crucial. Here are French phrases that can help in various medical situations:
- I’m allergic to [substance]. – Je suis allergique à [substance].
- I’ve been bitten/stung. – J'ai été mordu(e)/piqué(e).
- I’m feeling faint. – Je me sens faible.
- I have a headache. – J'ai mal à la tête.
- I’m experiencing chest pain. – J'ai des douleurs dans la poitrine.
- I have a high fever. – J'ai une forte fièvre.
- I’m nauseous. – J'ai des nausées.
- I have difficulty breathing. – J'ai du mal à respirer.
- I need medication for [condition]. – J'ai besoin de médicaments pour [condition].
- I have a cut/wound. – J'ai une coupure/une plaie.
- I need to see a specialist. – Je dois voir un spécialiste.
- I’m diabetic. – Je suis diabétique.
- I need insulin. – J'ai besoin d'insuline.
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French Phrases For Safety And Security Issues

In situations involving safety and security, it's important to communicate clearly to resolve issues quickly. Here are some French phrases that can assist you in these circumstances:
- I’ve been robbed. – On m'a volé.
- I’ve lost my wallet. – J'ai perdu mon portefeuille.
- I need to report a theft. – Je dois signaler un vol.
- Can you help me? – Pouvez-vous m'aider ?
- I’ve been attacked. – J'ai été attaqué(e).
- My passport has been stolen. – Mon passeport a été volé.
- I need to call my embassy. – J'ai besoin d'appeler mon ambassade.
- Is there a lost and found? – Y a-t-il un service des objets trouvés ?
- I need to contact the police station. – Je dois contacter le commissariat.
- I’m in danger. – Je suis en danger.
- I need a safe place to stay. – J'ai besoin d'un endroit sûr pour rester.
- I feel threatened. – Je me sens menacé(e).
- My phone was stolen. – Mon téléphone a été volé.
French Phrases For Traffic Incidents
When dealing with vehicle and traffic incidents, clear communication is key to getting the assistance you need. Here are some French phrases to help you in these situations:
- I’ve had an accident. – J'ai eu un accident.
- My car broke down. – Ma voiture est en panne.
- Where is the nearest mechanic? – Où est le garage le plus proche ?
- I need roadside assistance. – J'ai besoin d'une assistance routière.
- Can you tow my car? – Pouvez-vous remorquer ma voiture ?
- I need to call my insurance company. – Je dois appeler ma compagnie d'assurance.
- Where can I find a rental car? – Où puis-je trouver une voiture de location ?
- I’ve run out of fuel. – Je suis à court de carburant.
- I have a flat tire. – J'ai un pneu crevé.
- Is there a nearby gas station? – Y a-t-il une station-service à proximité ?
- I need to report an accident. – Je dois signaler un accident.
- Can you help me with directions? – Pouvez-vous m'aider avec les directions ?
Other Phrases For Emergency In French
In various situations, additional phrases can be incredibly useful for navigating emergencies or overcoming language barriers. Here are other essential phrases in French:
- Is there an emergency exit? – Y a-t-il une sortie de secours ?
- I don’t speak French very well. – Je ne parle pas très bien français.
- Can you speak slowly? – Pouvez-vous parler lentement ?
- Please help me. – S'il vous plaît, aidez-moi.
- I need a translator. – J'ai besoin d'un traducteur.
- Can you write it down for me? – Pouvez-vous l'écrire pour moi ?
- Where is the nearest phone? – Où est le téléphone le plus proche ?
- How do I get to [place]? – Comment puis-je aller à [lieu] ?
- I’m not feeling well. – Je ne me sens pas bien.
- I’m looking for [item/service]. – Je cherche [objet/service].
- Can you show me on the map? – Pouvez-vous me montrer sur la carte ?
- What’s the emergency number in France? – Quel est le numéro d'urgence en France ?
- I need assistance with [issue]. – J'ai besoin d'aide pour [problème].
What Are Emergency Numbers In France?

In France, the key emergency numbers are:
- 112: General emergency number for police, medical, and fire services.
- 15: Medical emergencies and ambulance services.
- 17: Police emergencies.
- 18: Fire department and rescue services.
- 19: Emergency number for emergencies in agriculture (not commonly used by the public).
Final Words
Being prepared with essential emergency phrases in French can make a big difference in stressful situations. Whether you’re traveling or living in a French-speaking area, these phrases will help you get the assistance you need quickly and effectively. Practice these key expressions to ensure you’re ready for anything that comes your way!
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are useful emergency phrases in French?
Useful emergency phrases include “Help!” (Au secours !), “Call the police!” (Appelez la police !), and “I need a doctor.” (J'ai besoin d'un médecin.). These phrases help you communicate quickly in urgent situations.
2. How to call an emergency in France?
To call an emergency in France, dial 112, the general emergency number. This number connects you to police, medical, and fire services.
3. What is the French word for emergency services?
The French word for emergency services is services d'urgence.
4. What to do in an emergency in France?
In an emergency in France, stay calm and call 112 for help. Clearly state your location and the nature of the emergency. Use basic French phrases if needed to explain your situation.
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