Learning Spanish can be an exciting and rewarding journey, particularly if you are a fan of popular Spanish television shows like La Casa de Papel on Netflix. If you're looking to improve your Spanish skills while indulging in your love for the show, you're in luck! In this article, we'll delve into some of the most effective techniques to learn Spanish from La Casa de Papel while enjoying the series to the fullest.
Table of Contents
- How to learn a language with Netflix's La Casa de Papel
- Cultural significance of Casa de Papel's language
- Interesting expressions from La Casa de Papel
- Keyword list from Casa de Papel
- Iconic idioms from Casa de Papel
- Summing Up
From listening to the characters' dialogue and catching new words and phrases to exploring the show's cultural references, there are numerous ways to learn Spanish while immersing yourself in the thrilling world of La Casa de Papel. By incorporating language-learning tools into your viewing experience, you can transform your binge-watching sessions into language-learning lessons.
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"Casa de Papel," also known as "Money Heist," is a popular Spanish television series that has gained international recognition on Netflix. The show revolves around a group of robbers who plan and execute a meticulously orchestrated heist on the Royal Mint of Spain and later the Bank of Spain. Set against the backdrop of Madrid, the series not only captivates audiences with its thrilling plot and complex characters but also provides a glimpse into Spanish culture and society. It explores themes of class struggle, resistance against authority, and the blurred lines between morality and justice. The show also sheds light on the Spanish language, traditions, and iconic landmarks, contributing to its cultural significance and global appeal.
How to learn a language with Netflix's La Casa de Papel
Immerse yourself completely in a new language to learn it effectively. One way to do this is by watching a show with subtitles or without any at all. This helps you get accustomed to the language's sounds and learn new words and phrases naturally. La Casa de Papel can be a great show to immerse yourself in if you're learning Spanish.
Read also: 17 Best Shows To Learn Spanish On Netflix
Another way to improve your Spanish skills with La Casa de Papel is by using language learning apps like Lingopie. This innovative platform uses AI-powered language learning tools to turn your favorite Netflix shows and movies into personalized language lessons. With Lingopie, you can enjoy over 2,500 TV shows and movies in nine different languages, including Spanish. The platform's clickable subtitles make it easy to instantly translate any words or phrases you don't understand, and it continues to introduce new words and phrases as you improve.
After each episode, you can practice what you've learned with interactive features like games and flashcards. Lingopie makes Netflix language learning fun and engaging, turning it into an adventure. With Lingopie, learning Spanish from La Casa de Papel becomes as enjoyable as binge-watching awesome TV shows. Discover the fun way to speak like a local with Lingopie!

Cultural significance of Casa de Papel's language
In terms of language, "Casa de Papel" (Money Heist) holds cultural significance as it showcases the power of language in shaping the characters' identities, relationships, and overall narrative. Here are a few aspects of its cultural significance:
- Multilingualism: The series highlights the multilingual nature of contemporary society. The characters often communicate in multiple languages, primarily Spanish and English, but also incorporate Italian and other languages at times. This portrayal reflects the linguistic diversity of our globalized world and emphasizes the importance of language skills in an interconnected society.
- Language as a Symbol of Identity: Each character in the series is assigned a code name associated with a city, highlighting their individuality and creating a distinct linguistic identity. These names, such as Tokio, BerlĂn, or RĂo, not only serve as aliases but also become central to the characters' personalities and influence how they are perceived by others.
- Influence of Spanish Culture: The use of specific Spanish words, phrases, expressions, and cultural references throughout the show contributes to its cultural significance. Phrases like "Bella ciao" (an Italian resistance song adopted by the characters) and references to Spanish traditions, landmarks, and historical events connect the story to the cultural heritage of Spain, enriching the viewing experience and promoting cultural understanding.
- Language as a Tool for Manipulation: Language is also employed strategically within the series. The Profesor, the mastermind behind the heists, demonstrates his linguistic prowess by manipulating conversations, negotiating with authorities, and delivering persuasive speeches. This highlights the power of language in influencing others and achieving one's goals.
- Cultural Exchange: As the series gained international popularity, it played a significant role in promoting the Spanish language and culture globally. It sparked interest in learning Spanish among non-Spanish speakers and encouraged cultural exchange by bringing viewers from different backgrounds together through their shared love for the show.

In summary, "Casa de Papel" showcases the cultural significance of language by emphasizing multilingualism, exploring language as a symbol of identity, incorporating Spanish cultural references, highlighting language manipulation, and promoting cultural exchange. It underscores the importance of language in shaping our identities and the impact it has on interpersonal relationships and storytelling.

Interesting expressions from La Casa de Papel
¡Cuidado, Pigeon!
The scene involves the Professor training his team on the risks and dangers of robbing a bank. He talks about the possibility of being killed, injured, or caught, and uses the phrase "¡Cuidado, Pigeon!" to warn his team to be cautious. "Pigeon" is the imperative form of the verb "coger," which means "to catch or to grab." In this case, the Professor uses it as an informal way of saying "watch out for" or "be careful."
¡Coño! ¿Es que vamos a robar un banco o a hacer una obra de teatro?
Next, Tokyo responds to the Professor's warning by saying "¡Coño! ¿Es que vamos a robar un banco o a hacer una obra de teatro?" This expression is a crude way of expressing intense pain or frustration. The word "coño" means "vagina" but is used more commonly in Spanish to express frustration or annoyance. Tokyo's question is a sarcastic way of saying, "Are we really going to rob a bank or just put on a play?"
Now, let's move on to another scene from the show where the characters use the word "puta" repeatedly. "Puta" is a common Spanish swear word that can be used in many different contexts. It is often used as an exclamation to express frustration or annoyance, but it can also be used in a more positive sense to express excitement or surprise. However, it can be highly disrespectful and offensive, so use it with caution.
Hijo de puta
In this scene, Nairobi accuses Berlin of having a sexual relationship with one of the hostages, which is both dangerous and unethical. She uses the Spanish insult "hijo de puta" to insult Berlin, which translates to "son of a bitch." This phrase is commonly used to express anger and frustration, especially in Spain.
Despierta, chaval!
Moving on to the next scene, the character Berlin uses the phrase "¡Despierta, chaval!" to encourage Rio to be more alert and aware of their situation. "Chaval" is a slang term that means "guy" or "dude" and is commonly used in Spain. "Despierta" comes from the verb "despertar," which means "to wake up" or "to snap out of it." In this case, Berlin is using it as a command to tell Rio to pay attention and become more alert.

Keyword list from Casa de Papel:
Word/Expression | Meaning |
Profesor | Professor |
Bella ciao | A popular Italian resistance song |
Resistencia | Resistance |
Máscara | Mask |
Plan perfecto | Perfect plan |
Cerebro | Mastermind |
Rehén | Hostage |
NegociaciĂłn | Negotiation |
BotĂn | Loot |
Dali | Code name used by the characters |
Sálvame | Save me |
Tokio | Code name of one of the main characters |
Nada de perfecto | Nothing is perfect |
La Resistencia | The Resistance |
Serpiente | Snake |
Moneda de cambio | Bargaining chip |
Libertad | Freedom |
RendiciĂłn | Surrender |
Serendipia | Serendipity |
Amor prohibido | Forbidden love |
Cárcel | Prison |
Infiltrado | Infiltrator |
Amistad | Friendship |
Venganza | Revenge |
Cálmate | Calm down |
Plan de escape | Escape plan |
Culpar | To blame |
TraiciĂłn | Betrayal |
Batalla final | Final battle |
Sacrificio | Sacrifice |
Check out our free language learning resources about Casa de Papel. You can find a free multiple-choice quiz and more stuff.

Here are iconic idioms from Casa de Papel
While "Casa de Papel" (Money Heist) is known for its gripping storyline and memorable characters, it does not heavily feature specific idioms. However, the series does incorporate some idiomatic expressions and slang that have become iconic within the context of the show. Here are a few notable ones:
- "No dar puntada sin hilo" - Translated as "Don't stitch without thread," this expression is used by the characters to emphasize the importance of careful planning and attention to detail in their heists.
- "La que se avecina" - Literally meaning "What's coming," this phrase is used by the characters to refer to an impending threat or a challenging situation they anticipate.
- "Dar la vuelta a la tortilla" - Translated as "To flip the tortilla," this expression is used to describe a situation where the tables are turned or a sudden change in circumstances occurs.
- "A todo gas" - Translated as "At full speed," this phrase is used to describe a fast-paced and intense situation or action.
- "Sacar de quicio" - This expression means "To drive someone crazy" or "To get on someone's nerves," and characters use it to describe situations or individuals that test their patience.
While the show may not heavily rely on idioms, these expressions provide some flavor and cultural context to the dialogue, adding depth to the characters' interactions.
Summing up:
So, if you're interested in learning Spanish, watching Spanish shows and movies is a great way to improve your skills. La Casa de Papel is just one example of the many Spanish-language shows and movies available on Netflix and other streaming platforms.
Read also: 10 Movies to Learn Spanish that Won the Oscar (Or ALMOST!)
In the article we've analyzed, we've seen a variety of Spanish expressions and slang terms used by the characters in La Casa de Papel. Some of these expressions are common in everyday Spanish conversation, while others are more specific to certain regions or dialects. By learning these expressions and incorporating them into your own Spanish conversations, you can sound more natural and fluent.
However, it's important to note that some of the words and expressions used by the characters in La Casa de Papel are considered crude or offensive in certain contexts. As with any language, it's important to use these words and expressions with caution and respect and to be mindful of the cultural and social contexts in which they are appropriate.
In conclusion, learning Spanish through TV shows and movies like La Casa de Papel can be a fun and effective way to improve your language skills. With Lingopie, you can take your learning even further by using interactive features and subtitles to improve your comprehension and vocabulary. So grab your snacks and start watching – who knows, you might just become the next language-learning master!