20+ French Animal Sounds You Should Know

Did you know that animals "speak" differently in French? While English dogs say "woof," French dogs say "ouaf ouaf"—and that’s just the beginning! Exploring animal sounds in French is not only fun but also a great way to improve your pronunciation and cultural understanding. According to research from Language Learning Journal, listening to and mimicking sounds in a target language can significantly enhance phonetic skills and vocabulary retention.

In this article, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of French animal sounds and how they can make your language-learning journey more engaging. Plus, we’ll introduce Lingopie, a fantastic tool that uses TV shows and movies to help you learn French in context. Ready to discover how French animals "talk"? Let’s get started!

The Basics of French Animal Sounds

The charm of learning a language lies in its nuances, and French is no exception. Did you know that animals speak differently in French? Yes, they do! In English, a dog barks "woof," but in French, it's "ouaf ouaf." This delightful quirkiness provides a playful way to learn French.

Here are some common animals and the sounds they make in French:

  1. Dog (Chien): "Ouaf ouaf" - Quite different from the English "woof woof."
  2. Cat (Chat): "Miaou" - Similar to "meow" but pronounced with a distinctive French accent.
  3. Cow (Vache): "Meuh" - It's not "moo," but "meuh" in a lovely French way.
  4. Duck (Canard): "Coin coin" - Forget "quack quack;" it's "coin coin" in French.
  5. Frog (Grenouille): "Coa coa" - Instead of "ribbit," French frogs say "coa coa."
  6. Sheep (Mouton): "Bêê" - A gentle "Bêê" is what French sheep say, not the English "baa."
  7. Pig (Cochon): "Groin groin" - Forget "oink oink," in France, pigs say "groin groin."
  8. Horse (Cheval): "Hiiii" - Unlike the "neigh" in English, French horses go "Hiiii."
  9. Rooster (Coq): "Cocorico" - "Cock-a-doodle-doo" is out, and "Cocorico" is in for French roosters.
  10. Chicken (Poule): "Cot cot" - In place of "cluck cluck," French chickens say "cot cot."
  11. Donkey (Âne): "Hi han" - Don't expect a "hee-haw," French donkeys prefer "hi han."
  12. Owl (Hibou): "Hou hou" - Swap the "hoot hoot" for a French "hou hou."
  13. Bee (Abeille): "Bzz bzz" - Similar to English, but with a distinctly French buzz.
  14. Mouse (Souris): "Cui cui" - Different from the English "squeak," in France, mice go "cui cui."
  15. Crow (Corbeau): "Croa croa" - A French crow's "croa croa" is quite different from the "caw caw."
  16. Dove (Colombe): "Rou rou" - Instead of "coo coo," French doves say "rou rou."
  17. Goat (Chèvre): "Bêê" - Just like sheep, French goats also say "Bêê," not the English "bleat."
  18. Duck (Canard): "Quak quak" - In contrast to "coin coin," some French ducks also say "quak quak."
  19. Lion (Lion): "Roar" - Similar to English, but with a majestic French flair.
  20. Peacock (Paon): "Pan pan" - A unique sound compared to the English peacock's cry.
  21. Turkey (Dinde): "Glou glou" - Instead of "gobble gobble," it's "glou glou" in French.
  22. Rabbit (Lapin): "Clap clap" - A peculiar sound distinct from any English equivalent.
  23. Wolf (Loup): "Aouuu" - A wilder and more mysterious sound than the English "howl."
  24. Seal (Phoque): "Ou ou ou" - Different from the bark-like sound in English, French seals say "ou ou ou."

Check this video for the correct pronunciations


Reply to @jannitamx here are the French animal sounds! Remembered the duck after filming😂#fyp #learnfrench #animalsounds #french

♬ HOT & SPICY SALSA - Jaycee Mante

Learning Through Examples

Delving deeper, let's look at some sentences that include these sounds:

  • "Le chien fait 'ouaf ouaf' quand il est content" (The dog goes 'ouaf ouaf' when it is happy).
  • "J'entends le chat dire 'miaou' sous la fenêtre" (I hear the cat saying 'miaou' under the window).
  • "Dans la ferme, la vache dit 'meuh'" (On the farm, the cow says 'meuh').

These examples not only help in understanding how animal sounds are used in everyday French but also in expanding your vocabulary and grasp of sentence structures.

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Cultural Significance

Understanding animal sounds in French also has a cultural dimension. It reflects the way language influences our perception of the world. For instance, the sound a rooster makes in French is "cocorico," which is quite different from the English "cock-a-doodle-doo." This showcases how language and culture are deeply intertwined.

Using Lingopie to Learn French


Now, how can you effectively incorporate this fun aspect of language learning into your routine? This is where Lingopie comes in. With its rich selection of French TV shows and movies, you can immerse yourself in the language and hear these animal sounds in their natural context. Whether it's a cartoon for beginners or a sophisticated drama for advanced learners, Lingopie makes learning French entertaining and culturally enriching.

Summing Up:

These examples are not just amusing, but they also open a window into the French language’s playful and imaginative side. By familiarizing yourself with these sounds, you can enhance your understanding of French and make learning more engaging and fun.

FAQs About French Animal Sounds

1. How do animals sound in French?

In French, animals make unique sounds that often differ from English. For example, dogs say "ouaf ouaf" instead of "woof," and roosters crow "cocorico" instead of "cock-a-doodle-doo." These sounds reflect the phonetic patterns of the French language and add a fun twist to learning animal vocabulary.

2. What sound does a fox make in French?

In French, a fox says "ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!"—just like in English! However, French children might also describe a fox's sound as "ouah-ouah" or "gnaf-gnaf," which are playful interpretations.

3. What noise do French cats make?

French cats say "miaou" instead of "meow." The pronunciation is softer and more melodic, reflecting the fluidity of the French language. It’s a great example of how animal sounds vary across cultures!

4. What do geese say in French?

In French, geese say "coin-coin" instead of "honk." This onomatopoeia mimics the quacking sound of ducks and geese, making it a fun and memorable way to learn animal sounds in French.

5. What is MOO in France?

In France, cows say "meuh" instead of "moo." The French version has a softer, more nasal sound, which is typical of the French language. It’s a charming example of how animal sounds adapt to different languages.

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