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Miguel Morales - Mi Diosa Humana
Mi Diosa Humana by Miguel Morales was the song that took Morales from anonymity and led him to be recognized in Colombia.
The song was written by composer Huber Hernandez, who wrote it when he was about 17 years old and had a young girl he liked very much. "I was a honey-eyed girl who lived in my village, I was very beautiful and so many feelings surfaced in me," says the author.
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The song was written by composer Huber Hernandez, who wrote it when he was about 17 years old and had a young girl he liked very much. "I was a honey-eyed girl who lived in my village, I was very beautiful and so many feelings surfaced in me," says the author.
About Lingopie
Learn a new language by watching TV shows and movies with clickable subtitles. Get instant access to hundreds of great foreign TV shows in the language you are learning.
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