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Jorge Celedón - Ay Hombe
Ay Hombre is a song by Colombian singer-songwriter Jorge Celedón. The song was released in 2002.
"Ay home" literally means "Oh, man" and in the song it's a cry of sadness since the singer cannot forget a woman who's no longer with him, he feels without her, he's no one,
Ay Hombre was a huge success in Colombia, becoming one of Celedón's most popular songs. It was also a hit in other Latin American countries, including Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela.
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"Ay home" literally means "Oh, man" and in the song it's a cry of sadness since the singer cannot forget a woman who's no longer with him, he feels without her, he's no one,
Ay Hombre was a huge success in Colombia, becoming one of Celedón's most popular songs. It was also a hit in other Latin American countries, including Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela.
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