12 Zodiac Signs In Russian: Key Words And Phrases

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"What's your sign?" might seem like a cheesy pickup line in English, but in Russian, it's everyday small talk. Surprised? In Russia, star signs and астрология (astrology) are part of daily chats, TV shows, and even job interviews. Yep, you read that right - your zodiac sign might come up when you're trying to land a job in Moscow!

In this post, we'll learn all 12 zodiac signs in Russian, plus some easy phrases to talk about them. This isn't just for horoscope fans - it's a great way to start conversations when you're learning Russian.

Want to learn about zodiac signs in other languages? Read our other posts below.

How To Ask What's Your Zodiac Sign In Russian?

The most common way to ask is: "Какой у тебя знак зодиака?" (Kakoy u tebya znak zodiaka?). This means "What's your zodiac sign?" and it's a phrase you'll hear often in Russia.

But there's more than one way to ask about the stars in Russian. Here are some other Russian phrases you might hear:

  1. "Кто ты по гороскопу?" (Kto ty po goroskopu?) - Who are you according to the horoscope?
  2. "Под каким знаком ты родился?" (Pod kakim znakom ty rodilsya?) - Under which sign were you born?
  3. "Когда у тебя день рождения?" (Kogda u tebya den' rozhdeniya?) - When's your birthday? (An indirect way to figure out someone's sign)
  4. "Ты веришь в астрологию?" (Ty verish' v astrologiyu?) - Do you believe in astrology?

Remember, the way you ask can depend on how well you know the person. "Какой у тебя знак зодиака?" is friendly and casual, perfect for most situations. If you're talking to someone older or in a formal setting, you might want to use the more polite form: "Какой у вас знак зодиака?" (Kakoy u vas znak zodiaka?)

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Photo by James Lee / Unsplash

Russian Zodiac Signs - Знаки зодиака (Znaki zodiaka)

Whether you're browsing a Russian magazine's horoscope section or chatting about star signs with friends in Moscow, knowing these terms will come in handy. Let's look at the 12 zodiac signs in Russian and what they mean in English:

Russian Zodiac SignPronunciationEnglish Translation

In Russian, zodiac signs are nouns and have grammatical gender. This affects how you use them in sentences. Here are some tips:

  1. Most zodiac signs in Russian are masculine, except for Дева (Virgo) which is feminine.
  2. When talking about a person, use "он" (he) for masculine signs and "она" (she) for Дева. For example, "Он Овен" (He's an Aries) or "Она Дева" (She's a Virgo).
  3. Adjectives change to match the gender of the sign. For example, "Овен смелый" (Aries is brave - masculine) but "Дева умная" (Virgo is smart - feminine).
  4. When talking about people of a certain sign in general, use the plural form. For example, "Тельцы упрямые" (Tauruses are stubborn).

Getting these details right will help you sound more natural when talking about zodiac signs in Russian. Don't worry if it seems tricky at first - with practice, it'll become second nature!

How to Say Your Zodiac Sign in Russian

When someone asks "Какой у тебя знак зодиака?" (What's your zodiac sign?), here are two simple ways to respond:

Я + [zodiac sign]

This means "I am [zodiac sign]." For example:

  • Я Овен. (Ya Oven. [ya o-ven]) - I am an Aries.
  • Я Телец. (Ya Telets. [ya te-lets]) - I am a Taurus.

Мой знак - [zodiac sign]

This means "My sign is [zodiac sign]." For example:

  • Мой знак - Дева. (Moy znak - Deva. [moy znak de-va]) - My sign is Virgo.
  • Мой знак - Скорпион. (Moy znak - Skorpion. [moy znak skor-pee-on]) - My sign is Scorpio.

Both ways are common in Russian. Choose whichever feels easier for you. Here are examples for all zodiac signs:

• Я Овен. / Мой знак - Овен. (I am an Aries. / My sign is Aries.)
• Я Телец. / Мой знак - Телец. (I am a Taurus. / My sign is Taurus.)
• Я Близнецы. / Мой знак - Близнецы. (I am a Gemini. / My sign is Gemini.)
• Я Рак. / Мой знак - Рак. (I am a Cancer. / My sign is Cancer.)
• Я Лев. / Мой знак - Лев. (I am a Leo. / My sign is Leo.)
• Я Дева. / Мой знак - Дева. (I am a Virgo. / My sign is Virgo.)
• Я Весы. / Мой знак - Весы. (I am a Libra. / My sign is Libra.)
• Я Скорпион. / Мой знак - Скорпион. (I am a Scorpio. / My sign is Scorpio.)
• Я Стрелец. / Мой знак - Стрелец. (I am a Sagittarius. / My sign is Sagittarius.)
• Я Козерог. / Мой знак - Козерог. (I am a Capricorn. / My sign is Capricorn.)
• Я Водолей. / Мой знак - Водолей. (I am an Aquarius. / My sign is Aquarius.)
• Я Рыбы. / Мой знак - Рыбы. (I am a Pisces. / My sign is Pisces.)

Remember, in Russian, you don't need to use articles before zodiac signs. This makes your answers simpler compared to some other languages.

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Russian Space Movies

While Hollywood might dominate space-themed blockbusters, Russia has its own rich tradition of cosmic cinema. Here are some Russian space movies worth checking out:

  1. Солярис (Solaris, 1972) - A sci-fi classic based on Stanislaw Lem's novel. It's slow-paced but thought-provoking.
  2. Космос как предчувствие (Dreaming of Space, 2005) - Set in the 1950s, it captures the excitement of the early space age in the Soviet Union.
  3. Время первых (The Spacewalker, 2017) - Based on the true story of the first human spacewalk.
  4. Салют-7 (Salyut 7, 2017) - A thriller based on the real-life rescue mission of a Soviet space station.
  5. Гагарин. Первый в космосе (Gagarin: First in Space, 2013) - A biopic about Yuri Gagarin, the first human in space.

Want to watch these films but worried about the language barrier? That's where Lingopie comes in handy. With Lingopie, you can watch Russian movies and Netflix Series with interactive subtitles. Trust me... it's like having a Russian teacher right there with you as you enjoy these cosmic adventures!

Zodiac Traits in Russian

While not everyone takes astrology seriously, many Russians enjoy chatting about star signs. Here's how you might hear some signs described in Russian:

Zodiac Sign Common Traits in Russian
Овен (Oven) смелый (smelyy) - brave, импульсивный (impul'sivnyy) - impulsive
Телец (Telets) упрямый (upryamyy) - stubborn, надёжный (nadyozhnyy) - reliable
Близнецы (Bliznetsy) общительный (obshchitel'nyy) - sociable, любопытный (lyubopytnyy) - curious
Рак (Rak) чувствительный (chuvstvitel'nyy) - sensitive, заботливый (zabotlivyy) - caring
Лев (Lev) уверенный (uverennyy) - confident, щедрый (shchedryy) - generous
Дева (Deva) практичный (praktichnyy) - practical, перфекционист (perfektsionist) - perfectionist
Весы (Vesy) дипломатичный (diplomatichnyy) - diplomatic, нерешительный (nereshitel'nyy) - indecisive
Скорпион (Skorpion) страстный (strastnyy) - passionate, таинственный (tainstvennyy) - mysterious
Стрелец (Strelets) оптимистичный (optimistichnyy) - optimistic, прямолинейный (pryamolineynyy) - straightforward
Козерог (Kozerog) амбициозный (ambitsioznyy) - ambitious, ответственный (otvetstvennyy) - responsible
Водолей (Vodoley) оригинальный (original'nyy) - original, независимый (nezavisimyy) - independent
Рыбы (Ryby) творческий (tvorcheskiy) - creative, мечтательный (mechtatepushkin'nyy) - dreamy

To use these traits in Russian sentences, try these patterns:

  1. "[Zodiac sign] [trait]." Example: "Телец упрямый." (Telets upryamyy.) - Taurus is stubborn.
  2. "[Zodiac signs] [trait, plural]." Example: "Близнецы общительные." (Bliznetsy obshchitel'nyye.) - Geminis are sociable.
  3. "Как [zodiac sign], я [trait]." Example: "Как Скорпион, я страстный." (Kak Skorpion, ya strastnyy.) - As a Scorpio, I am passionate.
  4. "Он/Она [trait] как настоящий/ая [zodiac sign]." Example: "Он амбициозный как настоящий Козерог." (On ambitsioznyy kak nastoyashchiy Kozerog.) - He's ambitious like a true Capricorn.

These patterns are great for casual chats about zodiac signs in Russian. Remember, it's all in good fun – Russians often use these traits as a playful way to describe personality, not as serious character judgments.

Photo by Vedrana Filipović / Unsplash

Planets in Russian Astrology

Each planet, or "планета" (planeta) in Russian is thought to rule certain zodiac signs and embody specific energies. To help you out in this topic, take note of the table below!

Russian Name Pronunciation English Name Associated Traits
Солнце Solntse Sun Жизненная сила, эго (Vitality, ego)
Луна Luna Moon Эмоции, интуиция (Emotions, intuition)
Меркурий Merkuriy Mercury Общение, интеллект (Communication, intellect)
Венера Venera Venus Любовь, красота (Love, beauty)
Марс Mars Mars Энергия, страсть (Energy, passion)
Юпитер Yupiter Jupiter Удача, расширение (Luck, expansion)
Сатурн Saturn Saturn Дисциплина, ответственность (Discipline, responsibility)
Уран Uran Uranus Инновации, бунтарство (Innovation, rebellion)
Нептун Neptun Neptune Мечты, духовность (Dreams, spirituality)
Плутон Pluton Pluto Трансформация, власть (Transformation, power)

Russian Words and Phrases to Discuss Horoscopes

Whether you're reading your daily horoscope in a Russian newspaper or chatting about astrological predictions with friends, knowing the right vocabulary can make these conversations more engaging and authentic.

Here are some keywords and phrases to help you navigate the world of Russian horoscopes:

Основные термины (Basic Terms)

• Гороскоп (Goroskop) - Horoscope
• Предсказание (Predskazaniye) - Prediction
• Будущее (Budushcheye) - Future
• Удача (Udacha) - Luck
• Судьба (Sud'ba) - Destiny

Периоды времени (Time Periods)

• Ежедневный (Yezhednevnyy) - Daily
• Еженедельный (Yezhenedel'nyy) - Weekly
• Ежемесячный (Yezhemesyachnyy) - Monthly
• Годовой (Godovoy) - Yearly

Астрологические понятия (Astrological Concepts)

• Асцендент (Astsendent) - Rising sign
• Дом (Dom) - House
• Аспект (Aspekt) - Aspect
• Соединение (Soyedineniye) - Conjunction
• Оппозиция (Oppozitsiya) - Opposition
• Огонь (Ogon') - Fire
• Земля (Zemlya) - Earth
• Воздух (Vozdukh) - Air
• Вода (Voda) - Water

Общие фразы (Common Phrases)

• "Что говорят звёзды?" (Chto govoryat zvyozdy?) - What do the stars say?
• "Согласно моему гороскопу..." (Soglasno moyemu goroskopu...) - According to my horoscope...
• "Звёзды благоприятны" (Zvyozdy blagopriyatny) - The stars are favorable
• "Меркурий в ретрограде" (Merkuriy v retrograde) - Mercury is retrograde
• "Хорошая астрологическая конфигурация" (Khoroshaya astrologicheskaya konfiguratsiya) - There's a good astrological configuration

Предсказания и советы (Predictions and Advice)

• "Вам следует быть осторожным с..." (Vam sleduyet byt' ostorozhnym s...) - You should be careful about...
• "Сейчас хорошее время для..." (Seychas khorosheye vremya dlya...) - It's a good time to...
• "Избегайте принятия важных решений" (Izbegayte prinyatiya vazhnykh resheniy) - Avoid making important decisions
• "Вы можете встретить свою вторую половинку" (Vy mozhete vstretit' svoyu vtoruyu polovinku) - You might meet your soulmate
• "Будут возможности на работе" (Budut vozmozhnosti na rabote) - There will be opportunities at work

Эмоции и состояния (Emotions and States)

• Вы в стрессе (Vy v stresse) - You're stressed
• Вы энергичны (Vy energichny) - You're energetic
• Вы романтичны (Vy romantichny) - You're romantic
• Вы креативны (Vy kreativny) - You're creative
• Вам везёт (Vam vezyot) - You're lucky

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