If you’re a modern language learner in any way then my bet is you’ve searched Instagram and TikTok for all the best accounts that can teach you Spanish whilst you’re scrolling. But if you’re already at a proficient level or want to expand your cultural understanding and vocabulary further, then here’s an option a little more interesting; Spanish meme accounts!
Plenty of articles offer you the best social media profiles to learn Spanish from intentional teachers, and this is important knowledge. But when things seem a bit too serious or you’re bored of academic education and ready to have some fun, then here are my top 5 Spanish meme accounts to get down and droll with the Spanish local.

How to Learn Spanish with Memes?
If you're looking for a fun and engaging way to learn Spanish, incorporating memes into your language-learning journey can be a great option. Start by following Spanish meme accounts on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. These accounts regularly share humorous content in Spanish, exposing you to slang, idioms, and colloquial expressions used in everyday conversations.
As you come across unfamiliar words or phrases in memes, take the time to understand their meaning and context. Create vocabulary lists to organize and review the new words you learn. Memes also provide an opportunity to analyze grammar and sentence structure. Pay attention to how sentences are constructed and the clever use of language. You can even try creating your own memes to practice your language skills.
To enhance your learning experience, join Spanish language communities, participate in forums, and find language exchange partners. Engaging with others who share your passion for learning Spanish will not only help you practice the language but also provide insights into cultural references and further expand your vocabulary.
In addition to learning with memes, make your Spanish learning experience even more enjoyable with Lingopie. Lingopie offers a wide range of movies and shows, including content from platforms like Netflix, with interactive subtitles and language-learning tools. It provides an immersive and entertaining way to learn Spanish while enjoying your favorite movies and shows. Embrace the humor of Spanish memes, connect with the Spanish-speaking community, and make language learning a fun and rewarding adventure with Lingopie.
1. @_memesmexico - MEMES FROM MEXICO
Name: Memes En Español🎭🇲🇽
Follow count: 53.1k followers
Bio: Gracias por seguirnos!😎
Aqui encontrarás los mejores memes👻😂
As you’ll probably already know, Mexican Spanish is slightly different from Spain-Spanish and is influenced by English and Nahuatl. Mexico has the largest number of native Spanish speakers in the world with approximately 124 million users. With such a huge population, you can expect some good-quality memes from Mexico and this page is a great place to find them. Let’s look at two of the most popular and recent memes they posted:
Top meme 1:

Original Spanish text: *princesa de Disney empiexa a cantar*
Los animales: Baila we
English translation: *Disney Princess starts singing*
Animals: We dance!
The joke explained: If you don’t get this, just go and watch ‘Snow White’ or ‘Sleeping Beauty’! Then the image of the dancing animals with this caption will make perfect sense.
Top meme 2:

Original Spanish text: El wey que se apellida Espinoza
English translation: The dude whose last name is Espinoza
The joke explained: Espinoza or Espinosa is a common Spanish and Portuguese surname which literally means ‘thorny’ or ‘from the thorny place’. Now have another look at the picture of the guy…
Read also: Spanish Language Curse Words: Know When to Use Bad Spanish Words Like a Pro
2. @queboleta - MEMES FROM COLOMBIA
Name: #QueBoletaOficial!😂Just fun!
Follow count: 2 million
Bio: 🇨🇴Memes 100% Made in Colombia
A few countries south of Mexico you’ll find Colombia, the second most biodiverse country in the world after Brazil, and home to the second highest number of native Spanish speakers after Mexico; over 50.6 million. With a culture rich in music, parties and passionate people, you can bet that the memes coming out of this country have an excellent mood and humour. Let’s see what kind of content @queboleta has to show:
Top meme:

Original Spanish text: Parece que maluma le va a dar la primera comunión a bad bunny
English translation: It seems that Maluma is going to give Bad Bunny his first communion
The joke explained: Bad Bunny is an extremely famous Puerto Rican rapper whilst Maluma is an equally successful Colombian singer. In these photos from the Met Gala 2023, both men are dressed in seemingly religious clothing which is ironic since Bad Bunny raps about sex, drugs and violence. This encouraged ridicule from Colombian memers since Catholocism is a deeply important layer of Colombian culture and society.
3. @islascan.arias - MEMES FROM THE CANARY ISLANDS
Name: Memes Canarixs
Follow count: 4.5k followers
Bio: 🇮🇨 ⵣ Ⓐ 🔻 🏳️🌈
Seguimos alzadxs!
Often forgotten as a Spanish community or mentioned only after Spain and South America, The Canary Islands or the Canaries are a collection of volcanic islands and islets in North Africa which were colonized by European settlers a few times between the 13 and 1400s. With a population of over 2.2 million and with 12 million tourists visiting in 2022, you may have heard of the largest islands: Tenerife, Lanzarote, Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura.
Aside from being a popular tourist destination, natives from The Canary Islands are some of the coolest, most creative, free-thinking and chill people you’ll ever meet. From surfers and climbers to painters, musicians and dancers, the culture and personality of the young local communities have developed into something super unique and brilliant. As a consequence, you can find some of the best comedic memes created by/for this lot. Let’s take a closer look at one of @islascan.arias’ most popular memes:
Top meme:

Original Spanish text: Los materiales que necesitaremos hoy son: Cartón, tijeras y spray
English translation: The materials we will need today are: Cardboard, scissors and spray
The joke explained: The picture on the bottom is a sprayed graffiti sign on a wall in Tenerife, whilst the image on top is a screenshot from a popular European arts and crafts show called ‘Art Attack’. The list of supplies is a generic dialogue from the show. Pairing these two images together ridicules the fact that such a serious message has been painted in such a juvenile way whilst also supporting the message behind the sign - tourism sucks for the locals who can’t afford to live in the towns they were born in.
4. @memes_saiyan_ - MEMES FROM COSTA RICA
Name: 🇨🇷Memes saiyan🇨🇷
Follow count: 198k followers
Bio: Costa Rica
Síganme sin miedo
Si compartes mi contenido me ayudas mucho
With four million native Spanish speakers, 500,000 species of wildlife, and San Jose as it’s capital city, Costa Rica is one of the most popular and influential Central American countries - and so is this meme page. I was impressed by this profile because most of its posts are so specifically cultural and niche that I didn’t understand a lot of them, which makes it the perfect page if you want to give yourself a harder language-learning challenge. They also post content a little ruder than other mainstream pages but I’ll let you explore those on your own…
Below is a pretty decent meme which I managed to figure out, and a second easy-to-understand PG one that will simply get you a laugh whilst you improve your Spanish reading and comprehension skills:
Top meme 1:

Original Spanish text: Hola
Qué me cuentas?
Menos cuatro grados se ve como una persona kgando
English translation: Hello
What's up?
Minus four degrees. It looks like a person doing a poo
The joke explained: ‘Kgando’ is a colloquial spelling of the slang [swear] word ‘cagando’ which translates to English as ‘taking a cr*p/sh*t’/‘doing a number two’/‘doing a poo’. As you can see on the image, minus 4 degrees looks like someone sitting on the toilet. Visual humour at its most mature!
Top meme 2:

Original Spanish text: Mis amigos y yo después de intentar ser ricos
English translation: Me and my friends after trying to be rich
The joke explained: Because each person in the photo is wearing an ankle tag signifying that they’ve recently been released from prison, the joke implies that the group of friends have robbed a bank or done something illegal in order to make money. This is glorification of rebellious behaviour which is typical in most youth cultures today.
5. @postureoespanol - MEMES FOR ALL SPANISH SPEAKERS
Name: Postureo Español
Follow count: 1.4 million followers
Bio: ¡Envíanos tu contenido por mensaje directo o a telegram para que te publiquemos ! 💥
Last but not least, I present to you a page specifically designed to create viral memes for the worldwide Spanish-speaking community. I have friends following this page from Spain, Colombia and Tenerife, so I recommend @postureoespanol if you want to know the most popular memes of all to discuss with your Spanish-speaking friends and colleagues. Below are some of the most popular viral memes shared by this page:
Top meme 1:

Original Spanish text: Este chaval le dejó sus zapatos a su novia porque le dolían los pies y además se fue a por recena.
English translation: This guy left his shoes to his girlfriend because her feet hurt and he also went for a dinner. (This guy left his shoes with his girlfriend whilst he went to get food because her feet hurt.)
The joke explained: Less like a joke and more like a reason to smile, the picture shows a guy wearing his girlfriend’s high heels after swapping shoes with her on a night out. The caption explains that she is wearing his shoes instead. With 141,000 likes, apparently everyone loves chivalry. But also, it’s pretty funny that they wear the same shoe size.
Top meme 2:

Original Spanish text: Alguien ha traducido los nombres mas típicos de abuelas a inglés y
English translation: Someone has translated the most typical names of grandmothers into English and
The joke explained: Each name is written in Spanish with the English translation below it, such as, ‘Angustias’ meaning ‘anxieties’ and Jesusa meaning ‘she-Jesus’. In English, these are pretty extraordinary and unusual names to call your grandmother. A great meme to end on for you English-speaking Spanish lovers!

Summing up:
Learning spanish with memes can be a fun and effective way to enhance your language skills. Now that you got 5 top recommendation of memes accounts on instagram you can dive into spanish learning.
Spanish learners can head over to Lingopie's streaming site for access to a host of awesome Spanish TV shows and movies with interactive learning features.