Korean dramas have been gaining popularity around the world, and Netflix's Squid Game is no exception. The show has captured the attention of audiences with its thrilling plot and unique concept. But did you know that you can also use Squid Game as a tool to learn Korean? By watching the show with Korean subtitles, repeating after the characters, using language learning apps, joining language exchange groups, and learning about Korean culture, you can immerse yourself in the language and improve your skills. In this blog post, we'll give you some tips on how to learn Korean with Netflix's Squid Game.

How to Learn Korean with Netflix
If you're eager to learn Korean and love watching shows and movies on Netflix, you're in luck! Netflix can be a valuable tool to enhance your language learning journey. To maximize your language learning with Netflix, it's important to combine active and passive learning techniques. One effective approach is to watch Korean content with subtitles and audio descriptions in the target language. While you passively engage with the material, actively reinforce your learning by repeating dialogues and writing down new vocabulary.
To stay motivated and focused, it's beneficial to set language learning goals. Determine the level of proficiency you want to achieve and create a plan to reach those goals. For instance, you might aim to watch one episode of a Korean show each week while employing active learning techniques.
To prevent excessive time spent on Netflix, it's essential to manage your viewing hours wisely. Although watching movies and TV shows can be enjoyable and effective for language learning, it's crucial not to overdo it. Establish a limit for your Netflix language learning sessions—be it daily or weekly—and stick to it.
Organizing your language learning plan with Netflix can further enhance your progress. Select the Korean shows you want to watch and arrange them in a specific order. Decide which active and passive learning techniques you want to employ and create a structured plan. Monitor your progress and make adjustments as necessary to ensure a well-rounded and effective learning experience.
Another fantastic tool to aid your language learning journey is Lingopie Subtitles for Netflix, a Google Chrome extension available with a Lingopie subscription. To get started, download the Lingopie extension and pin it to your browser for easy access. Next, choose a video from Lingopie's curated Netflix catalog and log in using your Lingopie account to connect it with the extension. Once connected, you can begin learning!
As you watch your chosen Korean show, every word you click on will be saved to your Lingopie.com profile. This feature allows you to review the vocabulary later using Lingopie's flashcards and engaging games. With Lingopie and Netflix, you can seamlessly integrate active and passive learning methods, set goals, manage your time, and ultimately make the most of your language learning journey
Korean Vocabulary From Netflix's Squid Game
1. ‘오징어’ 게임 (ojingo kkeim) - ‘Squid’ Game
The series takes the name after an old children’s game. The schoolyard activity is known actually only as ‘Squid’ (오징어 / ojingo). Named like that because the shape of the playing-field resembles a giant squid. The game consists of two groups, the offensive and defensive. And there are two main purposes, the offensive to attack and achieve victory and the defensive to protect their territory.

2. 대출 (daechul) - Loan
Most of the participants in the games have some sort of money trouble. The biggest similarity is that they all own a sort of loan to banks or private companies.
3. 딱지치기 (ttakjjichigi) - Playing slap-match

The game that is played in the subway is called ‘딱지’ (ttakji), better known as ‘Slap-Match’ in english. The rules are very simple, each player lays a folded paper disk on the ground and another player tries to flip it by hitting it with his own paper disk. This goes by turns until someone flips over their opponent's paper disk.

Read also: Learn Korean with Netflix's Single's Inferno Season 2
4. 신체 포기 각서 (sinche pogi gaksso) - a physical waiver
The reason why our protagonist found himself accepting participating in the games. A physical waiver allows for the selling of one’s organs, in this case our protagonist was in so much debt the collectors made him sign away his physical rights so they might collect the money he owes.
5. 노름 (noreum) - gambling
The first thing we learned about our protagonist is his gambling problem. Not only him, but many of the participants in the Games are victims to gambling.
6. 상금 (sanggeum) - prize money, cash prize
Why would anyone be risking their lives in dangerous games? The prize money =상금 (sanggeum). In this series it’s the crazy amount of 45.6 billion won (about 4.56 million US dollars) that the willing participants are after. Would you do the same?
7. 참가자 (chamgaja) - participant
Everyone is referred as 참가자, or when referring to a larger group of people as 참가자들(chamgajadeul). It simply means participant, or when referring to a large group of people as participants.

8. 채무(chaemu) - debt
The second biggest similarity between all the participants, and perhaps the most important one, is that they all have debts. They owe money to someone in some capacity and in enormous amounts. Even when they all want to back out of the game they return because their debt is too big to pay easily.
9. 돼지 저금통 - piggy-bank
What do you call the giant piggy-bank that floats on top of the participants taunting them with its precious contents? It’s a 돼지 저금통(dwaeji jogeumtong).

10. '무궁화꽃이 피었습니다' - ‘The Mugunghwa Flower has Bloomed’
What most likely is the most infamous game of the series. Better known in English translations as Red Light, Green Light. The Korean translation has a different literal translation. When the charming little robot sings “무궁화꽃이 피었습니다” (mugunghwakkochi piotsseumnida) it actually translates to “The Mugunghwa Flower has Bloomed”.
The game is harder than it may appear, especially when the one in charge of eliminating you is a high tech robot that captures your every move. All you have to do is move as the tagger sings the song while they look elsewhere. When the song stops, you must freeze! The tagger has turned and if they catch a single movement you are out, losing the game. The winner is whoever is able to reach past the finish line.
11. 술래가 - tagger
When playing Red Light, Green Light, the robot in charge of singing and eliminating the unfortunate participants that fail to do the task is referred to as the tagger ‘술래가’ (sulraega)
12. 탈락 - elimination
The unfortunate little word no one wishes to hear when playing for your life. Once disqualified by losing the game, or your life in the game of the show, a word will often announcing such thing is ‘탈락입니다’ (talragimnida) = “You’ve been eliminated.”

13. 통과 - pass
On the other hand, how fortunate of you if you are told ‘통과입니다’ tonggwaimnida = “You’ve passed.” You’ve survived and get to live another day.
15. 시작 - starts
But it all begins somewhere and that is when the game ‘starts’ = ‘시작’ (sijak) Good luck, may the odd be in your favor.

Summing up:
In conclusion, even though the participants mistakes were a matter of life or death, your korean learning process doesn't have to be. Incorporating Netflix and Lingopie into your language learning journey is an exciting way to learn Korean. By combining active and passive techniques, setting goals, managing your time, and creating a structured plan, you can maximize your learning potential. With Lingopie's extension, you can save words to your profile for later review. So, immerse yourself in the captivating world of Korean shows and movies, and let Netflix and Lingopie be your language learning companions. Happy exploring and learning!