How To Talk About Video Games In Portuguese [Guide]

Gaming has exploded in Brazil - we're talking about a market with over 80 million players and a thriving Portuguese-speaking gaming scene. But here's the thing: trying to navigate Brazilian servers or chat with Portuguese gamers can feel like playing Dark Souls on hard mode if you don't know the right vocabulary.

In this post, I'm switching to my gamer-girl mode to share all the must-know Portuguese gaming vocabulary I use every day. Plus, I'll show you my favorite gameplay videos that'll help you level up your Portuguese while having a blast!

Learn Portuguese Through Gaming Content

Before memorizing the terms and expressions we'll cover below, check out these Portuguese gameplay series on Lingopie. I recommend this because watching at least a few episodes can help you get familiar with how real Brazilian gamers talk, react, and express themselves during gameplay.

  • Rogue Gameplay - Follow YouTuber Patife as he plays popular games while adding his humorous commentary on gaming news and trends.
  • Call of Duty on Comedy - Watch Brazilian YouTuber Bitgamer tackle Call of Duty games with humor and gaming tips.
  • GGWP League of Legends - Learn from professional CBLOL players as they demonstrate high-level League of Legends gameplay.
  • Rogue Fortnite - Join Patife and his friends as they play Fortnite, mixing battle royale action with friendly banter and gaming tips.

Once you've watched a few episodes, you'll start recognizing common gaming terms, slang, and expressions that Brazilian gamers use. This will make learning the vocabulary in the following sections much easier - you'll already have heard many of these words in action!

What Is "Gaming" In Portuguese?

In Portuguese, the word "gaming" has several common translations that you'll hear tossed around in gaming communities. The most straightforward way to say it is "jogos" (pronounced as "zho-gus") or "videogames" (pronounced similarly to English but with a softer 'v'). Here are the key terms you'll want to know:

  • Jogos eletrônicos (pronounced as "zho-gus eh-leh-tron-ee-kus"): This is the formal term for video games, often used in more professional contexts or gaming journalism. You might see this in Brazilian gaming magazines or official game descriptions.
  • Gameplay (pronounced as "game-play"): Interestingly, Portuguese gamers often borrow this directly from English! It's super common to hear Brazilian streamers say "vou fazer um gameplay" (I'm going to do a gameplay) rather than using a Portuguese equivalent.
  • Jogar videogame (pronounced as "zho-gar vee-dee-oh-gay-mee"): This phrase means "to play video games" and is probably the most common way you'll hear Brazilians talk about gaming in casual conversation. For example, "Vou jogar videogame hoje à noite" (I'm going to play video games tonight).
  • Gamer (pronounced similarly to English): Just like "gameplay," Portuguese speakers have adopted this English word. However, you might also hear "jogador" (zho-ga-dor) or "jogadora" (zho-ga-dor-a) for female gamers.

While Portuguese has its own gaming vocabulary, the community has created this awesome blend of Portuguese and English terms that makes the gaming scene uniquely Brazilian. You'll often hear this mix in Brazilian gaming streams and Discord servers!

Types Of Video Games In Portuguese

Let's break down video game genres in Portuguese - and trust me, knowing these terms will save you from those awkward moments when your Brazilian gaming buddies ask what types of games you're into.

English Genre Portuguese Term Pronunciation
Action Ação ah-sow
Adventure Aventura ah-ven-tu-rah
RPG RPG/Jogo de RPG hey-peh-zheh
Fighting Luta loo-tah
Strategy Estratégia ess-tra-teh-zhia
Sports Esportes es-por-ches
Racing Corrida co-hee-dah
Shooter Tiro chee-roo
Horror Terror teh-hor
Simulation Simulação see-moo-lah-sow
Platform Plataforma pla-ta-for-ma
Puzzle Quebra-cabeça keh-bra-ca-beh-sah
Open World Mundo Aberto moon-doo ah-ber-too
Battle Royale Battle Royale same as English
MMORPG MMORPG same as English

Want to tell someone your favorite genre? Here's a simple sentence pattern you can use: "Eu gosto de jogos de [genre]" (I like [genre] games). Super easy, right?

  • "Eu gosto de jogos de ação" (I like action games) - pronounced "eh-oo gos-too jih zho-gus jih ah-sow"
  • "Eu prefiro jogos de terror" (I prefer horror games) - pronounced "eh-oo pre-fee-roo zho-gus jih teh-hor"
  • "Meu gênero favorito é RPG" (My favorite genre is RPG) - pronounced "meh-oo zhen-eh-roo fah-vor-ee-too eh hey-peh-zheh"
Photo by Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

Video Game Modes In Portuguese

When playing video games in Portuguese, you'll need to know different game modes to understand server options or join the right type of match. To help you out, I rounded up all the possible gaming terminologies relkated to modes in Portuguese below!

English ModePortuguese TermPronunciation
Story ModeModo Históriamo-do is-tor-ia
Practice ModeModo Treinomo-do tray-no
Survival ModeModo Sobrevivênciamo-do so-bre-vi-ven-sia
Creative ModeModo Criativomo-do cri-a-chi-vo
Competitive ModeModo Competitivomo-do com-pe-chi-chi-vo
Casual ModeModo Casualmo-do ca-zu-al
Co-op ModeModo Cooperativomo-do co-op-er-a-chi-vo
PvPPvP/JxJsame as English/zhota-x-zhota
PvEPvE/JxAsame as English/zhota-x-ah
Battle RoyaleBattle Royalesame as English
Team DeathmatchCombate em Equipecom-ba-chi em e-ki-pi

Want to suggest a game mode to your friends? Use this simple pattern: "Vamos jogar no modo [mode]?" (Let's play in [mode] mode?)

  • "Vamos jogar no modo cooperativo?" (Should we play co-op mode?) - pronounced "va-moosh zho-gar no mo-do co-op-er-a-chi-vo"
  • "Prefiro jogar no modo casual" (I prefer playing in casual mode) - pronounced "pre-fee-ro zho-gar no mo-do ca-zu-al"
  • "O servidor está em modo PvP" (The server is in PvP mode) - pronounced "o ser-vi-dor es-ta em mo-do PvP"
Hands holding the game controllers
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM / Unsplash

Video Game Vocabulary In Portuguese

Portuguese gaming terms often mix English and Portuguese, which can be confusing at first. Brazilian players might drop an English "GG" in chat but then describe their "jogabilidade" (gameplay) in Portuguese. Here's every essential gaming term you need to know, from setting up your first multiplayer match to telling your teammates you need to play offline.

English TermPortuguese TermPronunciationExample Usage
Single-playerUm jogador/Solooom zho-ga-dor/so-lo"Este jogo é só um jogador"
MultiplayerMultijogadormul-chi-zho-ga-dor"Vamos jogar no modo multijogador"
OnlineOnline/Em linhasame as English/em lin-ya"O servidor online está fora"
OfflineOffline/Desconectadosame as English/des-con-ec-ta-do"Estou jogando offline"
ControlsControlescon-tro-lees"Os controles são difíceis"
TutorialTutorialtu-tor-ial"Preciso ver o tutorial"
LevelNível/Levelnee-vel/same as English"Cheguei no nível 100"
SaveSalvarsal-var"Não esquece de salvar o jogo"
LoadCarregarca-hey-gar"Carregando o jogo"
LagLagsame as English"Tô com muito lag"
BossChefão/Bossshe-fow/same as English"Não consigo vencer esse chefão"
Noob/NewbieNovatono-va-too"Sou novato neste jogo"
ProProsame as English"Ela é muito pro"
MatchmakingMatchmakingsame as English"Procurando matchmaking"
15+ Easy Portuguese Insults And Curse Words (With Context)
Getting to know the bad words and phrases in a foreign language is part of this learning experience. So, we will explore some Portuguese swears.

Video Game Slang In Portuguese

Speaking about video games in Portuguese isn't just about knowing the right words - it's about sounding natural in gaming chat. In this regard, check out all the video game slang counterparts in Portuguese below!

English Gaming Slang Portuguese Gaming Slang Meaning Pronunciation
GG (Good Game) GG/Boa Jogo Good game zhee-zhee/bo-ah zho-go
AFK AFK/Ausente Away from keyboard ah-ef-kah/ow-zen-chi
Nerf Nerfar To make weaker ner-far
Buff Buffar To make stronger bu-far
OP (Overpowered) OP/Roubado Too powerful oh-peh/ho-bah-do
Rage quit Rage/Ragear Quit in anger hay-ji/ha-zhee-ar
Noob Noob/Ruim Beginner/bad player no-oh-bi/hu-im
Camper Camper/Acampador Player who camps cam-per/ah-cam-pa-dor
Rush Rushar To attack quickly hu-shar
Farm Farmar To collect resources far-mar
lag Lag/Lagado Connection issues lag/la-gah-do
Bug Bug/Bugado Game glitch bug/bu-gah-do
Clutch Clutch/Clutchar Winning against odds cluh-char
Skill Skill/Habilidade Player ability ski-ow/ah-bi-li-da-ji
Meta Meta Most effective strategy meh-tah
Feed Feedar To die repeatedly fee-dar
GG EZ GG Fácil Easy win (toxic) zhee-zhee fah-sil
Nice Daora/Massa Cool/awesome da-oh-ra/mah-sa
Report Reportar Report bad behavior he-por-tar
Int/Inting Intentar/Feedar Intentionally dying in-ten-tar/fee-dar

Remember, just like in English gaming communities, some of these terms might be considered toxic or offensive in certain contexts - use them wisely!

Photo by Javier González / Unsplash

How To Talk About Video Games In Portuguese

Whether you're sharing your gaming preferences, asking about someone's favorite titles, or trying to set up a gaming session, these are the exact phrases Brazilian gamers use every day in their conversations.

English PatternPortuguese PatternExampleTranslation
I'm playing [game]Estou jogando [game]Estou jogando MinecraftI'm playing Minecraft
Do you want to play [game]?Quer jogar [game]?Quer jogar FIFA?Want to play FIFA?
I like playing [genre] gamesGosto de jogar jogos de [genre]Gosto de jogar jogos de açãoI like playing action games
What's your favorite game?Qual é seu jogo favorito?Qual é seu jogo favorito?What's your favorite game?
I need help with [game]Preciso de ajuda com [game]Preciso de ajuda com Elden RingI need help with Elden Ring
Are you good at [game]?Você é bom em [game]?Você é bom em League of Legends?Are you good at League of Legends?
Let's play togetherVamos jogar juntosVamos jogar juntosLet's play together
Have you played [game]?Já jogou [game]?Já jogou God of War?Have you played God of War?
I'm stuck at [level/part]Estou preso em [level/part]Estou preso na fase 3I'm stuck at level 3
This game is fun/boringEste jogo é legal/chatoEste jogo é legalThis game is fun

Learn Portuguese With Lingopie Today!

Now you're equipped with all the essential Portuguese gaming vocabulary, from basic terms to authentic Brazilian gaming slang. Remember, the best way to cement these new words is to jump right in - watch some Portuguese gameplay content, join Brazilian gaming servers, or try changing your game's language settings to Portuguese. The more you immerse yourself in Portuguese gaming content, the faster you'll level up your language skills.

Ready to start gaming in Portuguese? Head over to Lingopie and check out our gaming content. GG - Boa sorte! (Good luck!)

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