Quick Guide to Gen Alpha Slangs:+13 Terms You Must Know

Ever find yourself scrolling through TikTok or overhearing a group of teens talking, only to realize you have no idea what they’re saying? As a millennial, I try to keep up with the latest trends, but when it comes to Gen Alpha’s vocabulary, I’ve found myself scratching my head more than once. Expressions like "gyat" and "cheugy" make it feel like this new generation is speaking an entirely different language.

But let’s face it—staying in the loop is more important than ever, especially when the youngest generation is already reshaping the way we communicate online and off. Whether you’re trying to keep up with your kids, connect with younger colleagues, or just stay relevant in a world that’s moving faster than ever.

So, if you’ve ever felt like you needed a translator to understand the latest viral meme or TikTok trend, you’re in the right place.

Who Is The Gen Alpha?

Gen Alpha is the generation born from 2010 onwards. This cohort is often referred to as "digital natives." These kids have grown up immersed in technology from the day they were born. Unlike previous generations, who witnessed the rise of the internet, social media, and smartphones, Gen Alpha has never known a world without these technologies. This has profoundly influenced not only how they live and learn but also how they communicate.

One of Gen Alpha's main characteristics is its comfort and fluency with digital platforms. They interact with the world through screens, preferring to communicate through visuals and interactive content rather than text. This generation is growing up with AI-powered toys, voice-activated assistants, and personalized learning experiences, all of which shape their cognitive development and social interactions.

For Gen Alpha, communication is often fast-paced, image-driven, and heavily influenced by the digital environment. Platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram are central to their social lives, and these platforms heavily influence their language. They’re not just consumers of content; they are creators, using memes, short videos, and emojis as tools for expression.

While Gen Z and Millennials also grew up with technology, the extent and manner of its integration into their lives differ significantly from Gen Alpha. Millennials went through the transition from analog to digital, while Gen Z grew up in the early stages of social media and smartphones. Gen Alpha, however, is the first generation to grow up completely immersed in a technological world.

Children pulling on the rope
Photo by Anna Samoylova on Unsplash

The Evolution Of Slang Across Generations

Slang evolves with each generation, reflecting cultural shifts and technological advancements. Baby Boomers popularized phrases like "groovy," rooted in the counterculture of the 1960s, while Gen X introduced terms like "rad," influenced by music and pop culture. Millennials saw slang go global with the rise of the internet, coining terms like "selfie" and "on fleek," while Gen Z continued this trend with words like "lit" and "savage," driven by social media.

Gen Alpha has developed slang deeply influenced by digital platforms, with terms such as "yeet" and "Ohio" emerging rapidly from viral content. Slang spreads and evolves rapidly as a result of technology, making it a global phenomenon reflecting this generation's connected digital world. Understanding this evolution helps us better grasp the cultural and technological forces shaping language today.

Gen Alpha is growing up in a world where social media, memes, and viral trends shape everyday communication. Here’s a breakdown of the top 20 slang terms you need to know to keep up with this tech-savvy generation.

Gen Alpha is growing up in a world where social media, memes, and viral trends shape everyday communication. Here’s a breakdown of the top 13 slang terms you need to know to keep up with this tech-savvy generation.

1. Rizz

Meaning: A person’s charisma.

Example: "He’s got serious rizz—everyone in the room is drawn to him."

Context: Used to describe someone’s attractiveness or charisma, especially in a dating or romantic context. It often implies that the person has a natural ability to attract or impress

2. Gyat

Meaning: Often used as an exclamation of surprise or admiration, similar to "goddamn."

Example: "Gyat! Did you see that amazing goal he scored?"

Context: Used informally to express amazement or awe, particularly in response to something impressive or unexpected.

3. Ohio

Meaning: In meme culture, "Ohio" is used to describe something weird, bizarre, or unexpected, often with a humorous or absurd twist.

Example: “That new movie was totally Ohio—did you see that ending?”

Context: Typically used in internet memes and online discussions to describe odd or unusual situations.

4. Sus

Meaning: Suspicious or questionable behavior.

Example: "That guy is acting really sus; I don’t trust him."

Context: Popularized by the game "Among Us," where players have to figure out who the imposter is, making “sus” a staple in everyday conversations.

5. No Cap

Meaning: No lie, being truthful.

Example: "I’m telling you, this movie is the best—no cap!"

Context: Used to emphasize the truthfulness of a statement. The opposite would be "cap," which implies a lie.

6. Bet

Meaning: Agreement, like saying "okay" or "sure."

Example: "Want to hang out later?" "Bet."

Context: Simple yet versatile, "bet" is used to show agreement or acceptance.

7. Sigma

Meaning: A term used to describe a person who is self-sufficient, independent, and often works outside traditional social hierarchies.

Example: “Alex is such a sigma; he doesn’t follow trends and does his own thing.”

Context: The term "sigma male" is derived from the concept of the "sigma male" in online communities. It describes individuals who value autonomy and self-reliance over traditional social status or group dynamics.

8. Drip

  • Meaning: Stylish or fashionable, particularly in reference to clothing or accessories.
  • Example: "Check out his drip—he’s got the freshest kicks!"
  • Context: "Drip" is all about style and confidence, often used to compliment someone's outfit.

9. Shook

  • Meaning: Surprised or shocked.
  • Example: "I was shook when I heard the news."
  • Context: "Shook" conveys being emotionally or mentally affected by something surprising.

10. Fire

  • Meaning: Excellent, cool, or awesome.
  • Example: "That new jacket is fire!"
  • Context: Similar to "slaps," "fire" is a compliment, often used to describe something trendy or impressive.

11. Fanum tax

Meaning: Stealing food from a friend.

Example: " She fanum taxed me on a slice of pizza.

Context: This term is often used in a casual or humorous context among friends. It reflects a playful and informal approach to sharing food, typically in a relaxed setting like a party or a casual hangout.

12. Bussin'

Meaning: Describes something particularly good, especially food, but can also refer to experiences or events.

Example: "That new burger place is bussin’! You have to try it."

Context: This term is frequently used in casual conversations to express a high level of approval. It originated from food reviews and has expanded to describe anything impressive or enjoyable.

13. Cheugy

Meaning: Describes someone or something that is outdated, trying too hard to be trendy, or lacking in style. It’s often used to poke fun at things that are considered uncool or no longer in fashion.

Example: "Those motivational quotes on your wall are so cheugy."

Context: "Cheugy" is typically used in a humorous or even critical way to describe things that millennials or younger generations see as passé or out of touch with current trends.

14. Skibidi

Meaning: A slang term popularized by the viral “Skibidi Toilet” meme series. It refers to something wild, chaotic, or absurd, often in a humorous or entertaining way.

Example: “That party last night was totally skibidi!”

Context: “Skibidi” is often used in online communities, especially by younger people, to describe situations or content that are bizarre, over-the-top, or chaotic, reflecting the unpredictable, fast-paced nature of internet culture and humor. It captures the essence of something delightfully weird or out of the ordinary.

Kids cooking
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

FAQs About Gen Alpha Slangs

1. What's The Difference Between Gen Z And Gen Alpha Slang?

While Gen Z and Gen Alpha share some similarities in their slang, there are key differences driven by digital culture's rapid evolution. Gen Z slang often reflects the early 2000s internet culture, shaped by platforms like Twitter and early Instagram. In contrast, Gen Alpha slang is heavily influenced by newer platforms like TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and emerging gaming trends.

2. How Often Does Gen Alpha Slang Change?

Gen Alpha slang changes incredibly quickly, often in response to viral trends, memes, and the rapid turnover of content on social media. As new slang emerges, a term might gain popularity and fade within weeks or even days.

To stay updated on the latest Gen Alpha slang trends, consider following social media influencers, meme accounts, and language-focused communities on platforms like TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram. Websites like Urban Dictionary are also valuable resources for understanding slang's origins and meanings.

Final Thoughts


Understanding Gen Alpha slang can be both fun and useful, especially if you want to connect better with younger generations. As language evolves quickly, staying updated on the latest terms can help you communicate more effectively and keep up with the latest trends.

If you're looking for a way to keep up with new vocabulary and understand how it's used in everyday conversations, Lingopie is a great tool. It offers a wide range of content that features real-world language use, including TV shows, movies, and videos that showcase the latest slang and expressions.

Whether you're trying to understand younger generations or just enjoy learning new words, the right resources can help you stay updated in this ever-changing language world

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