When I first landed in Japan as an exchange language teacher, I had grand visions of mastering keigo and communicating with the locals. Little did I know that my real education would come from the mischievous glints in my student's eyes as they whispered words I'd never find in a textbook!
For a year, I stood at the front of classrooms, teaching conversational English grammar and training them for speech contests. But during breaks and after-school chats, the tables turned. My students became the sensei, gleefully introducing me to a range of Japanese swear words and slang.
Now, before you raise an eyebrow at my unconventional language-learning priorities, hear me out. These forbidden phrases offered more than just a thrill of the taboo. As it turns out, Japanese curse words actually give me an insight into culture and society and deepen my understanding of social situations and Japanese-made media.
In this post, we'll explore a selection of Japanese curse words and unpack their meanings. But let's be clear: the aim here isn't to pepper your speech with Japanese profanity, okay?
Rather, it's to equip you with the knowledge to better understand native speakers, navigate social interactions, and appreciate Japanese culture in its full glory.

Common Japanese Swear Words
Now, we can break down some rude Japanese words and phrases. We will look at their literal translation and some context for when to use them. For example, 'temee' is a very rude word in Japanese, translating to 'You (Bastard)' and is commonly found in media like manga and anime.
Remember, when using crass words in Japanese in real-life situations, you need to remember that the culture is different than in your country. You might think you are joking around but cause real offense. Proceed with caution.
クソ (Kuso)
Meaning: Fuck
"Kuso" literally means "poo" or "shit" and serves as a jack-of-all-trades in Japanese profanity. As a standalone exclamation, "Kuso!" is equivalent to yelling "Damn!" or "Shit!" when frustrated. It's relatively mild, common in casual settings or media.
But "kuso" truly shines in its role as an adjective. Slap it in front of another word, and you've instantly created a Japanese insult. Take クソガキ (kusogaki) for example. By combining "kuso" with "gaki" (brat), you've crafted the delightful phrase "shitty brat."
ふざけるな (Fuzakeru na)
Meaning: Fuck off or stop messing with me
Born from the verb ふざける (fuzakeru) meaning "to mess around," this sharp command tells someone to knock it off, pronto. Add the な (na) for an extra bite, and you've got yourself a verbal stop sign.
Does this sound familiar? Well, you likely encountered this Japanese swear word in heated arguments or tense scenes in manga and anime before. If not, you probably heard the casual shortened version form which is ふざけんな (fuzakenna).

しんじまえ (Shinjimae)
Meaning: Drop dead/Go to hell
Shinjimae is one of the harshest expressions in the Japanese language, derived from the verb 死ぬ (shinu) meaning "to die." It literally translates to "die" but is used to mean "go to hell" or "drop dead." This phrase is employed in moments of extreme anger or frustration, indicating that the speaker wishes harm or death upon the recipient.
Due to its severity, it's rarely used in real-life situations and is more commonly encountered in fictional media to depict high-conflict scenarios. Shinjimae is considered one of the most offensive phrases in Japanese and is not suitable for casual use.
ちくしょう (Chikushou)
Meaning: Son of a Bitch or damn it
Depending on the context and tone, chikushou can express a range of emotions from frustration and dismay to surprise or even excitement. Commonly, chikushou is used as an exclamation rather than being directed at a specific person.
You might hear it when someone encounters an unexpected setback, like "ちくしょう、パンクだ" (Chikushou, panku da) meaning "Damn it! I have a flat tire."
Interestingly, it can also be used positively, such as when celebrating a sports team's victory. However, this word can also be used when something really great happens. For example, when your favorite sports team wins a match. Of course, context and tone are everything here.

ばか (Baka)
Meaning: Stupid/Fool
In casual settings among friends, baka might be used playfully, similar to calling someone a "dummy" in English. However, when said with genuine anger or to a stranger, it becomes more offensive. For instance, Baka can be used on its own as an exclamation or directed at someone (バカやろう - baka yarou, meaning "you idiot").
あほ (Aho)
Meaning: Idiot/Moron
In the Kansai region, particularly in Osaka, aho is generally considered milder than baka and is used more casually, sometimes even affectionately among friends. Conversely, in standard Japanese and eastern regions like Tokyo, aho can be perceived as harsher than baka.
The word can be used on its own as an exclamation or directed at someone (あほか - aho ka, meaning "Are you stupid?"). Despite its regional variations, aho remains a relatively mild insult compared to stronger Japanese profanities. However, like baka, it's best avoided in formal or polite situations unless you're very familiar with the local linguistic norms and your relationship with the listener.
だまれこのやろう(Damare konoyarou)
Meaning: Shut up, you bastard
This phrase combines two elements to create a forceful and insulting command. "Damare" (だまれ) is the imperative form of "damaru" (to be silent), essentially meaning "shut up." "Kono yarou" (このやろう) is a harsh way of addressing someone, similar to "you bastard" or "you asshole" in English.
The addition of やろう (yarou) to insults significantly increases their severity. It's a masculine term typically translated as "bastard" or "asshole," and is not used when addressing women. When combined with "damare," it creates a highly confrontational phrase that not only tells someone to be quiet but also insults them in the process.

ブス (Busu)
Meaning: Extremely ugly woman
Busu is a highly offensive and demeaning term used to insult a woman's appearance. It's considered one of the crueler ways to describe someone, roughly equivalent to calling a woman "ugly" or "hideous" in English.
ブ男 (Buotoko)
Meaning: Extremely ugly man
Buotoko is the male counterpart to busu, used to insult a man's appearance. It's a highly offensive term that translates to "extremely ugly man" or "hideous guy" in English.
Like its female counterpart, buotoko is a cruel and demeaning insult that should not be used lightly. It reduces a person to their physical appearance in a harsh, derogatory manner.

うざい (Uzai)
Meaning: Pain in the ass or extremely annoying
Uzai is a colloquial term used to describe someone or something that is extremely annoying or bothersome. It's roughly equivalent to calling someone or something a "pain in the ass" in English, though it can be used more broadly to describe any irritating situation or person.
わるがき (Warugaki)
Meaning: Spoiled brat
Warugaki is a compound word that combines わる (waru), meaning "bad" or "evil," and がき (gaki), meaning "kid" or "brat." Together, it translates to "bad kid" or more colloquially, "spoiled brat."
This term is used to describe a misbehaving, disrespectful, or poorly-mannered child. It carries a strong negative connotation, implying that the child is not just momentarily mischievous, but consistently troublesome or ill-behaved. Warugaki can be used to refer to actual children, but it's also sometimes applied to adults who act immaturely or irresponsibly.

どけ (Doke)
Meaning: Get out of my way!
This term is considered quite rude and aggressive in Japanese. It's a brusque way of telling someone to move, without any of the politeness typically expected in Japanese social interactions. The abruptness of doke makes it inappropriate for most everyday situations.
やりまん (Yariman)
Meaning: Slut
Yariman is a highly offensive and vulgar term used to describe a promiscuous woman, similar to "slut" or "whore" in English. It's a compound word combining やり (yari), from the verb やる (yaru) meaning "to do" or in this context "to have sex," and まん (man), a crude slang term for female genitalia.
This word is extremely derogatory and misogynistic. It's considered one of the most offensive terms in Japanese, particularly towards women. The use of yariman is not only insulting but also reflects poorly on the speaker, as it demonstrates a lack of respect and a willingness to use harmful, sexist language.
死ねえ (Shinee)
Meaning: Go die
Shinee is an extremely harsh and offensive command that literally means "die" or "go die." It's derived from the verb 死ぬ (shinu), meaning "to die," with the elongated "ee" sound at the end adding emphasis and making it sound more aggressive.

A Note on Japanese Culture
Now that you have learned a handful of useful and interesting Japanese curses, you can start to think about when you might use this language in real life. There is just one fun fact to be aware of before you get started!
In Japan, there is a certain social hierarchy and etiquette that you need to learn for social and professional situations. This social hierarchy dictates how formally or informally you are expected to speak.
Depending on who you are with and what their hierarchical position is compared with yours, you will need to address them accordingly.
If you find yourself in a situation where nobody in the vicinity speaks English and you need to use your Japanese language skills to get by, you will need to ensure that you are using the appropriate level of politeness when addressing people.
General rules include respecting your elders and respecting your professional seniors, but there is more to it than that. So, do your homework and make sure to use crass language only with people you can be very informal with.
When in doubt, it is always best to leave out the curses and insults!

Why Learn Japanese Curse Words?
You might wonder why you should learn rude words in Japanese, especially if you have no interest in using them. Well, as they are a part of the language, they come up in various social environments, as well as in aspects of culture, such as anime, and other Japanese media.
So, if you want to understand Japanese TV shows, movies, and music more completely, you will need to know these words and their meanings.
Moreover, you will be able to hold your own better in social situations if you completely understand the context and tone of the conversation. This means having an understanding of swear words in Japanese and how to use them.
Japanese learners can pick up bad language from watching Japanese entertainment shows and movies, listening to music and radio, and, of course, speaking to Japanese people!
Japanese anime is a particularly great resource for learning new swear words in Japanese, as it is a genre known for being a little risqué.
Check out Lingopie to find some great TV shows and movies in Japanese and other languages, all with interactive transcripts to optimize learning. Check out this blog post to find what is the best way to learn Japanese.
Enjoying articles on swear words? Make sure to read these:
FAQs: Japanese Swear Words
What is the rudest Japanese swear word?
There are a lot of Japanese curses that are incredibly rude. Some of the strongest expletives include kutabare (くたばれ), meaning "f*ck you" or "drop dead", and shinee (死ねえ), meaning "die!". Clearly, when you are deeply upset with a person in Japan, telling them to die is a great way to cause offense.
What is the F word in Japanese?
In Japanese, kuso means the f word. Literally, the word's meaning is something like "poo" or "shit", but it is best translated as "f*ck!" when used as an angry interjection. For example, if a Japanese person stubs their toe, they might shout kuso!
Which Japanese curse word should I never say?
There is a time and a place for all Japanese expletives, but there are some that are considered extremely rude and should be used with extreme care. In your culture, these words might just seem funny or mildly offensive, in Japan, there is definitely a wrong time to use them.
Any time you are with people of a higher social hierarchy, you should never say baka, kuso, or any of the other words on this list.
If I don't want to swear in Japanese, do I need to learn the swear words?
Yes, even if you do not intend to use them, it is still advisable that you learn the meaning of the most commonly used swear words in Japanese.
This will help you to navigate social events and understand more fully the context of Japanese anime and other media.
Summing Up: Learning Japanese Curse Words and Expressions
And so ends our introduction to swearing in the Japanese language. Hopefully, you now understand why it is important to learn swear words in Japanese, even if you do not intend to use them.
Expletives and crass phrases have their place in movies, anime, music, and society. To understand fully all social situations and Japanese-made media, it is essential to know these words and phrases.
Just remember to bear in mind the social hierarchy and etiquette in Japan! Use these words and phrases at your discretion, and when in doubt, go for a milder term.
Remember to head over to Lingopie for some great TV shows and movies in Japanese.