In the ever-evolving world of language, Korean slang is no exception. Particularly among Generation Z, a plethora of new phrases and expressions have emerged, adding color and vibrancy to everyday conversations. Whether you're a K-drama enthusiast, a K-pop fan, or just curious about Korean culture, understanding these slang words can enhance your comprehension and appreciation of the language. Here's a rundown of some popular Korean Gen Z slang words that you should know:

래전드 (Legend)
Derived from the English word "legend," this term is used to describe someone or something that is legendary or incredibly impressive. It's often used to praise a person's skills or achievements. Example: "그 가수 진짜 래전드야." (That singer is really a legend.)
미친 개쩐다 (Michin Gaejjeonda)
This phrase literally translates to "crazy awesome." It's used to express that something is extremely cool or amazing. Example: "이 영화 미친 개쩐다!" (This movie is crazy awesome!)
열받네 (Yeolbatne)
This expression is used when someone is frustrated or annoyed. It's equivalent to saying "I'm so irritated" or "That's infuriating." Example: "또 지각이야? 진짜 열받네!" (Late again? That's so irritating!)
구라치지마 (Gurachijima)
A warning to "stop lying" or "don't bullshit." It's the same meaning of 뻥치지마, but gen z use it more, it is used when someone suspects that another person is not being truthful. Example: "진짜야, 구라치지마!" (It's true, don't lie!)
감성있네 (Gamsenginne)
This phrase means "That's emotional" or "That has a lot of feelings." It's used to describe something that is touching or has a lot of sentiment. Example: "이 노래 들어봐, 감성있네." (Listen to this song, it's so emotional.)
농협은행 (Nonghyeop Eunhaeng)
@korean_owl 농협은행 = 너무 예쁘네요 = you’re so pretty 기업은행 = 귀여워요 = you’re cute #koreanslang #koreanlearningtips #한국어공부 #koreanexpression #studykorean #koreanexpression #korean_owl #learningkoreanlanguage #koreanculture
♬ original sound - Korean_owl
While literally translating to akoran popular bank "Agricultural Cooperative Bank," this term has humorously become slang for "You are so pretty," stemming from a funny story where a foreigner's question about the bank location was misinterpreted as a compliment (너무 예쁘네). Example: "너 오늘 진짜 농협은행이다!" (You are so pretty today!)
새금 더 내라 (Saegum Deo Naera)
Originally meaning "Pay more money," this phrase is humorously used to express jealousy, often in response to someone showing off or having something desirable. Example: "너 휴가 가는 거 봤어? 새금 더 내라!" (Did you see that she's going on vacation? She should pay more taxes!)
추구미 (Chugumi)
A cute way of saying "I'm cold." It's often used in a playful or childish manner. Example: "밖에 추구미! 따뜻하게 입어야겠어." (It's cold outside! I need to dress warmly.)
얼어뒤지겠네 (Eoreodwijigetne)
A more intense way of saying "I'm freezing to death." It's used to express extreme coldness. Example: "오늘 날씨 진짜 얼어뒤지겠네." (The weather today is freezing to death.)
개 멋있어 (Gae Meosisseo)
This slang means "That's so cool" or "That's awesome." The word "개" is used as an intensifier, similar to "very" or "really." Example: "그 차 개 멋있어!" (That car is so cool!)
개 좋아 (Gae Joa)
Similar to the previous phrase, this means "I really like it" or "I love it." Again, "개" is used to intensify the feeling of liking something. Example: "이 음식 개 좋아!" (I really love this food!)
Learning and using these slang words can help you connect with the younger Korean generation
and make your conversations more lively and authentic. However, it's important to use them in appropriate contexts, as some may be informal or carry different connotations in different situations.
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If you're looking to immerse yourself further in Korean language and culture, platforms like Lingopie can be incredibly helpful. Lingopie is a language learning platform that uses TV shows and movies to teach languages in a fun and engaging way. By watching Korean dramas and other content on Lingopie, you can pick up on slang, colloquial expressions, and cultural nuances that textbooks might not cover. It's a great way to improve your listening skills, expand your vocabulary, and get a feel for the rhythm and flow of the Korean language.
In conclusion, understanding Korean Gen Z slang can add depth to your language skills and help you navigate conversations with ease. Whether you're chatting with friends, watching your favorite K-drama, or engaging with Korean content on platforms like Lingopie, these slang words will surely come in handy. So, why not start incorporating them into your Korean language repertoire today? Happy learning!