iTalki Review: How This App Helped My Spanish (Or Did It?)

Here's the deal: I'm Filipino, I've got a shot at Spanish residency, and my Spanish is... well, let's just say it needs work. Big time.

Sure, I've got a smattering of Spanish words in my native tongue (thanks, colonial history), but that's not gonna cut it if I want to live la vida loca in Madrid. So, I did what any aspiring Spanish language learner would do - I dove into different language-learning apps.

Lingopie was already my go-to for binge-watching Spanish shows guilt-free, but I knew that I needed backup tools. That's when iTalki popped up on my radar, promising one-on-one sessions with native speakers. Intriguing, right?

After a whirlwind of reviews, Reddit threads, and yes, some LinkedIn stalking (don't judge), I took the plunge. Now, if you're eyeing iTalki too, wondering if it's worth your time and dinero, stick around. I'm about to spill the beans on my iTalki adventure.

Did it transform my Spanish? Or just lighten my wallet? Let's find out.

Learn a language with Lingopie

What Is iTalki?

iTalki is one of the largest online language tutoring platforms available today. Basically, it's a service that connects language learners (like yours truly) with professional teachers from around the world for one-on-one language lessons.

But it's more than just a tutoring service; it's a comprehensive language-learning ecosystem. For instance, iTalki boasts an extensive database of teachers covering hundreds of languages. This means you can find tutors for both popular languages like Spanish or Mandarin Chinese and less commonly taught languages.

At present, iTalki lessons are offered by two types of online teachers:

  • Professional Teachers: Qualified language tutors with teaching qualifications.
  • Community Tutors: Native or fluent speakers who can help with conversation practice.

I was pleasantly surprised when I even found a few professional teachers and community tutors for my native language: Filipino! It's amazing given that not many are interested in an Asian language like mine.

And that brings me to another point: The platform's language offerings are comprehensive. For example, under the category of Chinese, users can find tutors for:

  • Mandarin
  • Cantonese
  • Shanghainese
  • Taiwanese
  • ... and more!

This level of specificity extends to many other languages, accommodating learners interested in particular regional variations or dialects.

iTalki Languages

How Much Does iTalki Cost?

When writing app reviews, I typically place the pricing section near the end. However, for iTalki, cost is a crucial factor that significantly impacts user experience, so let's address it early on.

The first thing to know is that joining iTalki is completely free. You only pay for the lessons you schedule with tutors. This pay-as-you-go model offers great flexibility, allowing you to control your language learning budget.

iTalki's pricing structure is unique because each tutor sets their own hourly rate. This results in a wide range of options:

  • Rates can start as low as $4 per hour
  • Some premium tutors charge $80+ per hour
  • Most tutors fall somewhere in between these extremes

This variety means you can tailor your iTalki experience to fit almost any budget. Here are some key points about iTalki's pricing:

  1. Hourly Rates: These vary based on the tutor's experience, qualifications, and the language being taught.
  2. Lesson Packages: Many tutors offer discounts for booking multiple lessons in advance. For example, you might get a discount for purchasing 5, 10, or 20 lessons at once.
  3. Trial Lessons: Many tutors offer shorter, discounted trial lessons, allowing you to test their teaching style before committing to a full-priced session.
  4. Community Tutors vs. Professional Teachers: Generally, community tutors charge less than professional teachers. This makes them an excellent option for learners on a budget or those primarily seeking conversation practice.

In my personal experience, I tend to use community tutors more frequently than professional teachers. There are two main reasons for this:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Community tutors are usually more affordable.
  • Skill level: Even for beginners, many community tutors are effective teachers, especially for improving conversational skills.

However, your choice between community tutors and professional teachers should depend on your learning goals.

iTalki Single group classes

How Does iTalki Work?

iTalki operates as a facilitator and database. Its user-friendly interface guides you through the process of finding the right tutor and scheduling lessons that fit your needs and availability. To help you understand how to navigate and make the most of iTalki, let's break down its key components and processes, starting with the onboarding experience.

iTalki Onboarding

The onboarding process on iTalki is designed to tailor your experience from the very beginning. Here's what you can expect when you first sign up:

  1. Account Creation: The journey begins with creating your iTalki account. This is a straightforward process requiring basic information like your name and email address.
  2. Language Selection: After creating your account, iTalki prompts you to specify your target language. This is the language you want to learn or improve.
  3. Proficiency Assessment: You'll be asked to indicate your current proficiency level in your chosen language. This helps iTalki recommend appropriate tutors and resources.

Learning Objectives: The platform then asks you to specify your reasons for learning the language. These might include:

  • Educational goals (e.g., preparing for a language proficiency test)
  • Business needs (e.g., improving language skills for work)
  • Leisure interests (e.g., learning for travel or personal enrichment)
  1. Language Variant Selection: If applicable, you can select a specific regional variant of your chosen language. For example, if you're learning Spanish, you might specify whether you're interested in Spanish from Colombia, Mexico, or another Spanish-speaking country.

To further personalize your experience, iTalki asks about your interests. This information can help match you with tutors who can engage you in conversations about topics you enjoy. Once you've provided this information, your basic profile is set up, and you're ready to start exploring iTalki's features and finding tutors.

Overall, I found that the time invested in the onboarding process pays off. The detailed information you provide helps iTalki tailor your experience, making it easier to find tutors who match your needs and interests. While it might seem like a lot of information to provide upfront, it sets the foundation for a more personalized and effective language learning journey on the platform.

Choosing Your Tutor

I'm not gonna lie... iTalki's vast array of tutors is both its strength and potential weakness. The platform offers numerous options, but the quality can definitely vary widely. Finding the right match might take time, but it's crucial for an effective learning experience.

To aid your search, iTalki provides filters including:

  • Teacher's origin (helpful for specific dialects)
  • Teacher types (Professional Teachers or Community Tutors)
  • Languages spoken by the tutor
  • Lesson price, time, and category (e.g., conversation practice, test preparation)

Each tutor's profile includes an introductory video, background information, schedule, and student reviews.

I highly recommend trying several tutors before committing. This is what I did  because it really does take some trial and error before you actually find someone good. The good news there is that many offer discounted trial lessons, so take advantage of this. Don't hesitate to work with multiple tutors – variety can enhance your learning experience.

Booking and Paying for Lessons

iTalki offers a flexible system for booking and paying for lessons, catering to various learning preferences and schedules. Basically, a professional teacher in iTalki can offer different kinds of lessons (some can even be based on actual textbooks).

Once you select the correct foreign language and pick your qualified language teachers, the next step is to book the classes.

  1. Select your preferred lesson type
  2. Choose an available time slot
  3. Wait for tutor confirmation

To pay, be sure you have already topped up your iTalki credits in advance.

iTalki Group lessons
iTalki Group lessons

Do you feel like you learn better with other people around? The iTalki community also offers group classes. These cover a range of topics and proficiency levels, similar to platforms like Lingopie. Options include:

  • Language exchange sessions
  • Basic drills for improving speaking skills
  • Various other topics based on learner interests and levels

Group classes can provide a different dynamic compared to one-on-one lessons, allowing for peer interaction and potentially more diverse learning experiences.

For me, the option for group classes adds another layer of flexibility, catering to those who prefer a more social learning environment or want to complement their private lessons with peer interaction.

Attending Your iTalki Class

When it's time for your lesson, iTalki offers flexibility in how you connect with your tutor. You can choose from several popular video conferencing platforms:

  • Skype
  • FaceTime
  • Google Hangout
  • WeChat
  • Zoom
  • QQ
  • iTalki Classroom

While the variety of platform options is convenient, especially if you have a preferred video conferencing tool, I recommend giving the iTalki Classroom a try. Its purpose-built features (like the countdown timer for the lessons) for language learning can seriously enhance your lesson experience.

iTalki Review: Advantages And Disadvantages

After extensive use of iTalki and comparisons with other language learning methods, here are what I consider the most significant pros and cons:

iTalki Advantages

Personalized One-on-One Instruction

iTalki's greatest strength is its ability to connect you directly with native speakers for tailored lessons. In my experience, this personalized attention accelerated my progress far more quickly than group classes or self-study apps.

Flexibility in Scheduling and Tutor Selection

With tutors available around the clock in various time zones, I found it easy to fit lessons into my busy schedule. The ability to choose from a vast pool of tutors also allowed me to find teachers who matched my learning style and interests.

Immediate Feedback and Error Correction

Unlike passive learning methods, iTalki provided instant feedback on my pronunciation and grammar. This real-time correction helped me avoid ingraining mistakes and improved my confidence in speaking.

iTalki Disadvantages

Inconsistent Tutor Quality

While I've had many excellent tutors, I've also encountered some who were underprepared or not as skilled in teaching. The process of finding the right tutor can be time-consuming and sometimes frustrating.

Limited Exposure to Varied Language Contexts

While great for conversation, iTalki doesn't provide the rich, varied contexts you get from watching movies or TV shows. I missed out on exposure to different accents, slang, and real-world language use that platforms like Lingopie offer through their video content.

Technical Issues and Distractions

Occasionally, poor internet connections or background noise disrupt lessons, reducing their effectiveness. These technical hiccups can be frustrating and waste valuable lesson time.

Pressure of Immediate Production

iTalki's focus on conversation means you're often expected to speak from the first lesson. For me, this was initially intimidating and stressful. In contrast, methods that allow for a silent period or more passive initial learning (like Lingopie) can be less daunting for beginners.


Why Switch to Lingopie

So, did iTalki help my Spanish? Well, yes and no. iTalki threw me into the deep end of Spanish conversations, which was both exhilarating and terrifying. But Lingopie? It gave me the floaties I needed to really start swimming in the language.

Unlike iTalki's real-time conversations, Lingopie lets you pause, rewind, and replay as much as you need. No awkward silences or stumbling over words! And even better? Lingopie consistently offers current, engaging Spanish content that's actually enjoyable to watch!

Beyond language, Lingopie taught me about Spanish and Latin American culture through their shows and movies, something that wasn't consistently available in my iTalki sessions.

Feature Lingopie iTalki
Learning Method Spanish TV shows and movies One-on-one tutoring
Cultural Exposure High (authentic media) Varies by tutor
Flexibility Watch anytime Scheduled lessons
Pressure Level Low (self-paced) Can be high (real-time interaction)
Cost Fixed subscription Pay per lesson (often pricier)

Don't get me wrong, iTalki has its place in language learning. But for building a strong foundation and gaining the confidence to eventually tackle those conversations? Lingopie was my secret weapon.

So, if you're tired of feeling tongue-tied in your iTalki lessons, or if you're looking for a more relaxed way to immerse yourself in Spanish, give Lingopie a try. It might just be the breakthrough you need in your language-learning journey. After all, who said you can't master Spanish while binge-watching shows? ¡Vamos a aprender español con Lingopie!

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