Ready to make friends in China? Learning basic Chinese greetings is your ticket to meaningful conversations and making a great first impression. Whether you're planning a trip to Beijing, chatting with Chinese friends online, or just starting your Mandarin journey, mastering these everyday expressions will immediately make you sound more natural and confident.
In this post, I'll show you 18 practical Chinese greetings that native speakers actually use daily. We'll go beyond the textbook "nǐ hǎo" and explore greetings for different times of day, situations, and relationships. You'll learn exactly when to use each phrase, complete with pronunciation guides and cultural context to help you sound more like a local.
Basic Chinese Greetings Everyone Should Know
1. 你好 (nǐ hǎo) – Hello

This is the standard greeting most beginners learn first, but there's more to it than textbooks suggest. While useful in many situations, it carries a somewhat formal tone that might surprise you. When Chinese people meet strangers or talk in professional settings, they'll use this greeting, but friends rarely greet each other this way.
Think of it like saying "Hello, how do you do?" in English – correct, but a bit stiff for hanging out with friends. Chinese students learn this in school, but in real life, they often use more casual options with their social circle.
2. 您好 (nín hǎo) – Hello (Formal)
This greeting shows extra respect and works perfectly when you want to make a good impression on someone older or in a position of authority. The difference between 你好 and 您好 might seem small, but it's significant in Chinese culture.
Use 您好 when greeting:
- Your teachers or professors
- Your friend's parents
- Older people you meet
- Your boss or clients
- Store clerks or waitstaff (to be extra polite)
3. 嗨 (hāi) – Hi
When Chinese friends meet up at a café or bump into each other on campus, they'll often use this casual "hi." It's borrowed from English but completely accepted as a natural Chinese greeting now. Young people especially love using it.
The beauty of 嗨 is its simplicity – just one syllable with a high flat tone. It's perfect for quick greetings when you see a classmate in the hallway or meet a friend for coffee. Using this instead of the more formal 你好 immediately sets a friendly, relaxed tone for your conversation.
4. 哈喽 (hā lou) – Hello
Another friendly greeting that's gained popularity among younger Chinese speakers. If you want to sound like a local college student or young professional, this is a great option. It's slightly more playful than 嗨 and often used with a bit more energy.
You might hear this greeting when:
- Friends meet up at a restaurant
- Classmates see each other after a break
- Young coworkers greet each other in the morning
- Chatting online with Chinese friends
The pronunciation is fun – it almost sounds like you're saying the English "hello" with a Chinese accent.
5. 嘿 (hēi) – Hey
Similar to "hi," this casual greeting works great with people your age or friends. It's short, sweet, and perfect for informal situations. Think of how English speakers often say "hey" instead of "hello" – it's the same concept.
This greeting is especially popular in China's bigger cities like Shanghai and Beijing, where younger people tend to use more casual language. Use this with friends, classmates, or people around your age that you already know.
Time-Specific Chinese Greetings
6. 早上好 (zǎo shang hǎo) – Good Morning
Used between 6-9 AM, this greeting works well when you're starting your day. Chinese people are quite specific about time-appropriate greetings, and using this one correctly shows you understand these cultural subtleties.
The character 早 (zǎo) represents the sun (日) rising - a visual way to remember "early" or "morning." Use this when you meet colleagues at work, see your teacher first thing in the morning, or greet the hotel staff at breakfast.
7. 早 (zǎo) – Mornin'
Want to sound more casual? Just say 早! This shortened version works like when English speakers just say "mornin'" without the "good." It's quick, friendly, and perfect for roommates, classmates, or coworkers you see every day.
You'll hear this a lot in coffee shops, university hallways, and offices as people arrive for the day. It's especially common among younger Chinese speakers who prefer less formal language.
8. 上午好 (shàng wǔ hǎo) – Good Morning (9 AM-12 PM)
Chinese distinguishes between early morning and mid-morning. Once the day is underway (after 9 AM), switch to this greeting until noon. Using the right time-specific greeting shows attention to detail and cultural awareness.
You might use this when arriving for a mid-morning appointment, starting a business meeting, or greeting shopkeepers as you browse stores before lunch.
9. 下午好 (xià wǔ hǎo) – Good Afternoon
After lunch until early evening, this is your go-to greeting. The character breakdown is quite logical: 午 means "noon," and 下 means "after," so literally "after noon."
It's perfect for greeting people when:
- Returning to work after lunch
- Starting afternoon classes
- Meeting friends for coffee
- Entering shops in the afternoon
- Greeting neighbors during an afternoon walk
10. 晚上好 (wǎn shang hǎo) – Good Evening
Use this greeting after sunset. Unlike in English, this is strictly a greeting, not a farewell. Chinese speakers would never use this to say goodbye - that's what 再见 (zài jiàn) is for!
This greeting works well when:
- Arriving at a restaurant for dinner
- Meeting friends for evening activities
- Greeting family members returning home after dark
- Entering a shop in the evening
- Starting an evening class or meeting
Practical Chinese Conversation Starters
11. 吃了吗? (chī le ma?) – Have you eaten yet?
This might seem odd if you're used to Western greetings, but asking if someone has eaten is one of the most authentic ways Chinese people show they care. Food is central to Chinese culture, and this greeting reflects that value.
When someone asks you this, they're not really expecting details about your meal - it's similar to "How are you?" in English. A simple "吃了" (chī le) meaning "I've eaten" is a perfect response.
You'll hear this greeting most often:
- Among family members
- Between neighbors
- With close friends
- From older people to younger ones
- In more traditional settings or smaller towns
12. 喂 (wéi) – Hey/Hello
This special greeting has just one use: answering the phone. Never use it face-to-face or people will find it strange! The pronunciation has a rising tone, making it perfect for the questioning nature of answering a call.
Every Chinese person uses this when picking up the phone - it's the equivalent of saying "Hello?" when you answer in English. It's one of the easiest Chinese greetings to master since it's just one syllable.
13. 好久不见 (hǎo jiǔ bù jiàn) – Long time no see
When you run into an old classmate or haven't seen a colleague in months, this is the perfect greeting. Breaking down the characters makes it easy to remember: 好久 (hǎo jiǔ) means "long time," and 不见 (bù jiàn) means "not see."
Chinese people value maintaining connections, and this phrase acknowledges the passage of time while expressing happiness at reconnecting. Use it with:
- Old friends you bump into
- Colleagues returning from long trips
- Family members you see during holidays
- Former classmates at reunions
- Neighbors you haven't seen in a while
14. 最近怎么样? (zuì jìn zěn me yàng?) – How's it going lately?
This casual check-in works great with friends and acquaintances you see regularly. Chinese speakers often drop the 你 (nǐ) to sound more natural and conversational.
It's perfect for:
- Following up after 好久不见
- Greeting coworkers you see daily
- Checking in with classmates
- Starting conversations with friends
- Casual social settings
The question invites the other person to share a bit about their recent life without being too personal or formal.
Meeting People for the First Time

15. 很高兴见到你 (hěn gāo xìng jiàn dào nǐ) – Nice to meet you
First impressions matter in Chinese culture. This polite phrase shows proper etiquette when meeting someone new. While slightly formal, it's appropriate in almost any first-meeting scenario.
Use this phrase when:
- Being introduced to someone at a business meeting
- Meeting your Chinese teacher for the first time
- Being introduced to a friend's family
- Meeting new classmates
- Any formal introduction situation
16. 很高兴再次见到你 (hěn gāo xìng zài cì jiàn dào nǐ) – Nice to see you again
For second meetings or when you're reacquainted with someone you've met briefly before. The addition of 再次 (zài cì) meaning "again" shows you remember the previous meeting, which Chinese people will appreciate.
This greeting works well:
- At the second business meeting
- When seeing casual acquaintances again
- When reconnecting with someone after a formal introduction
- In professional settings where you want to show good manners
Casual Chinese Greetings
17. 去哪呢? (qù nǎ ne?) – Where are you going?
Don't be surprised if neighbors or acquaintances ask this when passing by! It's not actually asking for your plans - it's just a friendly acknowledgment. Think of it like saying "What's up?" in English without expecting a detailed response.
18. 干嘛呢? (gàn má ne?) – What are you doing?
First-time learners might think this sounds nosy, but it's actually a warm, friendly greeting between friends. It shows interest in the other person without being too formal.
Young Chinese people use this greeting often when:
- Texting friends
- Calling someone
- Running into friends unexpectedly
- Starting casual conversations
- Checking in with someone you know well
A simple "没什么" (méi shén me) meaning "nothing much" or briefly mentioning your current activity is an appropriate response.
Want To Go Beyond Simple Greetings? Try Lingopie!
So, we’ve covered a range of Chinese greetings, from the basics like 你好 (Nǐ hǎo) and 您好 (Nín hǎo) to more relaxed ones like 嗨 (Hāi) and the unique 好久不见 (Hǎo jiǔ bù jiàn). Knowing these phrases helps you connect better and feel more comfortable when speaking with native Chinese speakers.
If you want to learn more than just the essential Chinese phrases, check out Lingopie to get fluent in Chinese! Lingopie is a great platform that lets you learn Chinese through TV shows and movies with interactive subtitles. It’s the easiest and funniest way to pick up new phrases and practice them in real-life contexts.
Try Lingopie for FREE now and start learning Chinese the fun way!