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Vivir Mi Vida - Marc Anthony
Vivir Mi Vida is a song by Latin Grammy Award-winning singer Marc Anthony. It was released on April 22, 2013. The song was written by Marc Anthony, Julio Reyes Copello, and Juan "Gaby" Muñoz, and produced by Julio Reyes Copello.
The song is an upbeat Latin pop track, with influences of merengue and bachata. The lyrics of the song are about living life to the fullest and enjoying the moment. The song was a commercial success, topping the Latin Songs chart in the United States, and reaching the top 10 in several other countries. It also won a Latin Grammy Award for Best Tropical Song in 2014.
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The song is an upbeat Latin pop track, with influences of merengue and bachata. The lyrics of the song are about living life to the fullest and enjoying the moment. The song was a commercial success, topping the Latin Songs chart in the United States, and reaching the top 10 in several other countries. It also won a Latin Grammy Award for Best Tropical Song in 2014.
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