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Un Verano en Nueva York - Andy Montanez & El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico
"Un Verano en Nueva York" was written by composer Justi Barreto
This song describes what was happening in the Big Apple, the epicenter of salsa and Latin immigrants at the time, and was included in the album "Número 7" by El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico, released in 1975. The song is a reflection of what was happening in the 70's, when people danced to the rhythm of salsa.
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This song describes what was happening in the Big Apple, the epicenter of salsa and Latin immigrants at the time, and was included in the album "Número 7" by El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico, released in 1975. The song is a reflection of what was happening in the 70's, when people danced to the rhythm of salsa.
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