Soda Stereo - Cuando Pase El Temblor
"Cuando Pase el Temblor" is a song by Argentine rock band Soda Stereo. It was released in 1995 as the lead single from their fifth studio album, Nada Personal. .
The song is a melodic rock track. Much has been said about the song that they claim is inspired by the tragedy that Mexico experienced in 1985, since then it has caused a stir by its meaning. But, not so, Cerati revealed that the lyrics are actually inspired by the emotions that a person has during a catharsis.
"Cuando Pase el Temblor" was an instant success upon its release, becoming one of Soda Stereo's most beloved and played songs.
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The song is a melodic rock track. Much has been said about the song that they claim is inspired by the tragedy that Mexico experienced in 1985, since then it has caused a stir by its meaning. But, not so, Cerati revealed that the lyrics are actually inspired by the emotions that a person has during a catharsis.
"Cuando Pase el Temblor" was an instant success upon its release, becoming one of Soda Stereo's most beloved and played songs.
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