Maná - Mariposa Traicionera
Mariposa Traicionera is a song by the Latin rock band Maná. It was released in 2002 as the second single from their sixth studio album Revolución de Amor.
The song is about a woman who has broken the narrator's heart, she's being compared to a butterfly, flying from one place to another. The signer uses this as a metaphor to allude to her promiscuous nature.
The song became a hit in Latin America and the United States, reaching number one on the Billboard Hot Latin Songs chart. The song was written by guitarist Sergio Vallín and lead singer Fher Olvera.
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The song is about a woman who has broken the narrator's heart, she's being compared to a butterfly, flying from one place to another. The signer uses this as a metaphor to allude to her promiscuous nature.
The song became a hit in Latin America and the United States, reaching number one on the Billboard Hot Latin Songs chart. The song was written by guitarist Sergio Vallín and lead singer Fher Olvera.
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