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El Perdedor - Aventura
"El Perdedor" (English: "The Loser") is a song by bachata band Aventura.
It is a song that talks about the pain of losing someone's love. The narrator realizes that he didn't value what he had until he lost it. He feels envious, selfish and impulsive for having believed he was the only one she would love. The narrator realizes that he was the one who made the mistake, but he still feels resentful toward the other man, who now has what was his.
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It is a song that talks about the pain of losing someone's love. The narrator realizes that he didn't value what he had until he lost it. He feels envious, selfish and impulsive for having believed he was the only one she would love. The narrator realizes that he was the one who made the mistake, but he still feels resentful toward the other man, who now has what was his.
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