Could 'Very Demure, Very Mindful' Become the Next Big Catchphrase?

Tired of the "brat summer" trend? Here's a new TikTok buzzword to use!

If you've been scrolling through TikTok lately, you've probably seen videos of people describing their mundane activities with an air of exaggerated sophistication.

"I always check my email first thing in the morning. Very demure, very mindful!" they might say, or caption a video with "I'm getting my nails done. Very cutesy. Very demure, very mindful."

At first, I was confused.

Had I missed the memo on some new life-changing wellness trend in my TikTok account? But as my FYP kept serving up more of these oddly relatable vids, plus the explosion of "what does very demure very mindful mean" searches (proof below), I realized I wasn't the only one both confused and kind of fascinated by it.

Search interest for Very Demure, Very Mindful by Jools Lebron
Search interest for Very Demure, Very Mindful by Jools Lebron 

It was like the whole internet had collectively raised an eyebrow and said, "Okay, TikTok, you've got our attention. Now explain yourself."

So, I did what any curious person would do: I went down the rabbit hole. And now, I'm here to share what I found about this weirdly unique TikTok trend that's got us all trying to be very demure and very mindful about, well, everything.

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What Very Demure, Very Mindful Trend Means

When someone describes their actions as "very demure, very mindful," they're playfully exaggerating how refined and self-aware they are while doing completely ordinary (or society-expected actions) things. Essentially, it’s like applying the "clean girl" aesthetic—not just to your looks, but to your behavior—then amplifying it for comedic effect.

Let's break it down:

  • "Demure" typically means shy, modest, or reserved, often associated with being prim and proper.
  • "Mindful" usually refers to being conscious or aware, often in a calm, zen-like manner.
  • "Cutesie" is another term often associated with the 'demure' trend, referring to a playful or overly sweet style.

By combining and exaggerating these concepts, the trend humorously critiques the high standards of social media. For instance, TikTokers might describe something as mundane as making a sandwich at home rather than ordering one as "very demure, very mindful," turning an ordinary act into a mock display of grace and poise.


@Jools Lebron thank you for reminding me to be demure. I sometimes forget

♬ original sound - Jools Lebron

This trend taps into a broader cultural critique of the pressures to maintain a flawless online persona. It gives people a chance to laugh at the sometimes absurd expectations of always being put together, offering a refreshing and relatable take on everyday life.

Whether viewers find it funny, empowering, or even a bit challenging, "Very Demure, Very Mindful" resonates because it satirizes the effort to appear perfect in a world that’s anything but.

Very Demure, Very Mindful by Jools Lebron

Why The Very Demure Very Mindful Trend Is Blowing Up

The "Very Demure, Very Mindful" trend is blowing up on TikTok for three main reasons: Relatable Origin, Versatility, and its unexpected role in Addressing Serious Issues.

It all kicked off with influencer Jools Lebron's August 2nd video. She shared how she gets ready for work in a demure way.

You see how I come to work? Very demure, I do my makeup, I lay my wig, I do a little braid,” she shared. “I flat iron my hair, I do chichis out, I do viral vanilla, very demure, very mindful. Let’s not forget to be demure divas.

This everyday struggle, coupled with the humorous delivery, instantly resonated with viewers. From there, the hashtag demure and the catchphrase have become a catchall for describing common activities in any situation (like when ordering food), fueling its spread across the platform.

Interestingly, the trend has also become a vehicle for discussing significant topics, including mental health, lifestyle changes, and even voting rights. This duality—being both humorous and impactful—is what makes the trend so compelling.

So basically, this trend is blowing up because of its ability to make us laugh at everyday struggles while also opening up conversations about more serious issues. It's a refreshing break from the pressure of social media perfectionism, allowing users to be real and relatable in a humorous way.

Why Satirical Videos On Social Media Matters

You might be wondering, "Why should I care about some silly TikTok trend?" Well, if you're learning a new language, paying attention to these viral moments can actually help you understand and appreciate the language better.

Here's why:

  • Slang adds freshness: Using current slang keeps your language relevant and natural.
  • Slang reflects culture: Understanding slang trends provides insights into cultural values and attitudes.
  • Slang shapes social dynamics: Knowing slang usage can help you navigate social interactions more effectively.
  • Slang is a language snapshot: Keeping up with slang trends allows you to observe language evolution in real-time.

Now, you might be thinking, "This is great, but I can't spend all day on TikTok!" (Although, let's be honest, it's tempting.) Here's where your favorite pastime comes to the rescue: watching movies and TV shows.

Movies and TV shows provide real-life context, demonstrating how phrases are used in various situations, while exposing you to natural speech patterns, including authentic intonation and timing. They also reflect current cultural trends, offering insights into social nuances that textbooks often miss.

By incorporating the binge-learning method into your language learning routine, you'll naturally absorb contemporary language use, making your speech more authentic and up-to-date.


Learn Slang With Lingopie

Want to be the first to catch the next viral phrase? Lingopie's regularly updated content keeps you in sync with the latest trends and buzzwords. Whether it's a Spanish telenovela or a French TV series, you'll encounter contemporary slang in its natural habitat.

Start your free trial today and turn your curiosity about "very demure, very mindful" into a journey through the world's most entertaining language lessons. Who knows? You might just spark the next TikTok trend yourself!

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