Dogs of Berlin: Learn German with Netflix

Netflix's Dogs of Berlin is a gripping German crime series that has captured the attention of audiences worldwide. Set in the diverse city of Berlin, the show offers an immersive experience of the German language and culture.

We will explore the advantages of using TV series like Dogs of Berlin as a learning tool. From enhancing vocabulary and listening skills to providing exposure to regional accents and dialects, this article will guide you on how to effectively learn German through this captivating series.

Let's dive into the world of Dogs of Berlin and unlock the secrets of language learning through entertainment.


  1. Why Learn German
  2. Introducing Dogs of Berlin
  3. Developing Speaking and Listening Skills with Dogs of Berlin
  4. Learning German Grammar with Dogs of Berlin
  5. Language Learning Exercises for Dogs of Berlin
  6. German Vocabulary in Dogs of Berlin
  7. German Culture in Dogs of Berlin
  8. FAQs About Learning German With TV Shows
  9. Summing Up: Learn German with Netflix's Dogs of Berlin

Why Learn German

Learning German is a highly beneficial endeavor for several reasons. Firstly, German is one of the most widely spoken languages in Europe, offering access to a vast community of over 100 million native speakers.

Secondly, Germany is a leading economic powerhouse, opening up numerous opportunities for career growth and international business collaborations. If you can speak English and German, you will find a wealth of career options available to you in Europe and beyond.

Thirdly, Germany boasts a rich cultural heritage, including influential contributions to art, literature, music, and philosophy. Learning German enables individuals to engage with this cultural wealth and appreciate it on a deeper level.

Finally, acquiring German language skills can broaden horizons for travel, education, and personal connections, fostering cross-cultural understanding and enriching one's perspective on the world.

This is why Lingopie offers high-quality German content to help learners achieve German proficiency.

Introducing Dogs of Berlin

Dogs of Berlin is a thrilling German television series that combines elements of crime, drama, and suspense. Set in the vibrant city of Berlin, the show revolves around the investigation of the murder of a high-profile Turkish-German soccer player.

The storyline delves deep into the city's underworld, exploring issues of organized crime, political corruption, and cultural tensions. When this politically sensitive murder forces two disparate detectives into a battle with the seedy Berlin underworld, they are faced with the truth of their own corruption.

Since its release on Netflix, Dogs of Berlin has garnered significant popularity and critical acclaim. Audiences have been captivated by its intense plotlines and its ability to shed light on the complexities of contemporary German society.

With its gripping plot, compelling characters, and exploration of societal issues, Dogs of Berlin offers a rich backdrop for language learners to immerse themselves in the German language and culture.

Developing Speaking and Listening Skills with Dogs of Berlin

Dogs of Berlin serves as an excellent resource for enhancing speaking and listening skills in German. The series presents learners with a wide range of vocabulary and authentic dialogue, reflecting the nuances of everyday speech.

By immersing yourself in the show's dialogues, you can expand your vocabulary and become familiar with colloquial expressions, idioms, and slang commonly used in Germany.

Furthermore, Dogs of Berlin offers exposure to different regional accents and dialects. The characters in the show come from diverse backgrounds, representing various cultural and linguistic identities.

This exposure to regional variations helps learners develop their listening comprehension skills and trains their ears to understand different accents, intonations, and pronunciation patterns found across Germany.

By actively engaging with the show's dialogue and paying attention to the different accents and vocabulary, language learners can improve their speaking and listening skills, gaining confidence and fluency in real-life conversations.

Dogs of Berlin provides an immersive and authentic learning experience that goes beyond textbooks and traditional exercises.

Learning German Grammar with Dogs of Berlin

Dogs of Berlin can be a great tool for helping learners to boost their grammar skills. While watching the series, you can actively identify and analyze grammatical structures used in the dialogue.

By paying attention to sentence structures, verb conjugations, word order, and grammatical patterns, you can deepen your understanding of German cases and grammar structures.

Furthermore, you can create your own exercises based on the grammar points encountered in the show. This may involve constructing sentences, rewriting dialogues, or creating grammar-focused quizzes for yourself.

Incorporating grammar practice with watching Dogs of Berlin enables you to apply your knowledge in a practical context and solidify your grasp of the German language's grammatical intricacies.

Language Learning Exercises for Dogs of Berlin

To use Dogs of Berlin as a tool for developing German language skills, learners can adopt several effective strategies. Watching the series with German subtitles allows learners to associate spoken words with their written forms, reinforcing vocabulary and improving comprehension.

Additionally, repeating and imitating dialogues helps you to practice your pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm, enhancing your speaking skills. This is a technique called speech shadowing, and it is a commonly used method for developing speaking skills at home.

Taking notes on new vocabulary and expressions from the show also helps you to expand your German lexicon. You can start to develop a vocabulary list or create flashcards of useful verbs, and other new words and phrases.

By incorporating these techniques, learners can harness the full learning potential of Dogs of Berlin and make significant progress in their German proficiency.

German Vocabulary in Dogs of Berlin

There is a lot of useful day-to-day vocabulary in Dogs of Berlin, as well as some slang, idiomatic language, and natural-sounding interjections. You should stop to look up useful words and phrases and write them down to use in real-life situations.

Just make sure you understand what they mean before you use them in conversation, as some of the colloquialisms in this show are crude and only appropriate in certain situations.

Some examples of the vocabulary you will come across in this show are:

Alles klar?You alright?
Auf keinstenNo way/ hell no
(Ich habe) keine Ahnung(I have) no idea
Wartet auf michWait for me
Jetzt geht's los!This is it!/ Here we go!
EntschuldigungApologies/ sorry
Bis gleichSee you soon (presently)
AlterMan/mate (slang)

You will find that most of the language used in the show is very informal as much of the plot revolves around confrontation and the Berlin underworld. Be sure not to use terms like wichser ("wanker") and other such insults present in the show when you are in polite conversation.

German Culture in Dogs of Berlin

Dogs of Berlin not only offers opportunities for learning languages but also provides valuable cultural insights. The series allows learners to explore cultural references and Berlin landmarks, showcasing the city's vibrant atmosphere and iconic sites.

By paying attention to these cultural elements, learners can gain a deeper understanding of Berlin's history and contemporary culture. Additionally, the show delves into German history and societal issues, addressing topics such as immigration, social inequality, and political corruption.

This presents an opportunity for learners to conduct further research and broaden their knowledge of Germany's historical context and current affairs. By immersing yourself in the cultural aspects depicted in Dogs of Berlin, you can develop a well-rounded understanding of the German language and society.

FAQs About Learning German With TV Shows

Now that you know why Dogs of Berlin is such a good learning tool, let's look at some frequently asked questions about learning German with TV shows.

How difficult is it to start learning German?

Starting to learn German from scratch can be the hardest part, but with Lingopie and other online resources, learning the basics of German has never been easier. Watching great TV shows can make learning fun and relatively easy, as your brain absorbs new words and grammatical structures while you enjoy the content.

How do I teach myself German?

You can teach yourself German by watching TV shows and movies, as well as listening to music and podcasts for German speakers. You can also learn German at your own rate for free by watching YouTube videos and social media reels made by German teachers. These are all good materials for beginner learners who don't want to pay for formal German lessons.

Are German courses worth it?

German courses can be worth it if you like to learn in a formal classroom setting. Courses will be run by qualified teachers who can explain grammar points step-by-step. This is a great way to learn fast and efficiently. Depending on your learning style, you may prefer to learn independently with language apps, German movies, and audio content like podcasts instead.

Is there a 2nd season of Dogs of Berlin?

So far, Dogs of Berlin just comprises 10 episodes of season 1, and there is no information readily available about a second season. If you want to continue to watch great German-language action and drama, you can browse the options on Lingopie.

Summing Up: Learn German with Netflix's Dogs of Berlin

As you can see, Dogs of Berlin is a great learning resource for beginners in the German language. This show can help you with your speaking and listening skills, vocabulary and grammar acquisition, and cultural awareness of Germany.

As the show is set in Berlin, you will also learn a bit about society and the Berlin underworld, as well as local slang. You can learn all kinds of things beyond basic German words and phrases by engaging with high-quality content.

If you love this series, you can also check out Lingopie to discover more amazing German-language series and movies to help you learn the language. Get started today and you'll be speaking German in no time.

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