Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to scream, “That’s disgusting!” but didn’t know how to say it in Spanish? Whether you’re declining questionable food, reacting to a nasty smell, or calling out bad manners, expressing disgust is a skill that’s both practical and relatable. After all, life isn’t all rainbows, and sometimes you just need to say, “¡Qué asco!”
In this article, we'll go over the essential vocabulary/phrases for expressing disgust in Spanish. We’ll also offer advice on tone and body language to ensure your message is clear without causing offense. By the end, you’ll be ready to handle any unpleasant situation with confidence—and maybe even a touch of humor. Let's begin!

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Importance Of Learning Emotional Expressions In Your Target Language
When you're learning a new language, it's easy to focus on the basics: greetings, numbers, and everyday words. But language is not merely a collection of rules; it is a dynamic reflection of life itself. And if you want to truly connect with native speakers, you need to go beyond the basics—and that means understanding and using emotional expressions.
Emotions are a huge part of communication. When you talk to someone in your native language, your tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language often convey just as much as your words. In fact, emotional expressions can make a conversation feel real and genuine. Without them, you might sound robotic or stiff, even if you know all the right words.
In Spanish, as in any language, emotions are deeply tied to culture. Different words and phrases are used in different situations to convey feelings like happiness, anger, surprise, and, of course, disgust. When you learn these phrases, you're not just learning vocabulary—you’re also gaining insight into how people in Spanish-speaking countries think, react, and interact with one another.

18 Spanish Phrases for Expressing Disgust
When it comes to expressing disgust in Spanish, there are plenty of phrases to choose from. You can use these phrases if you're feeling grossed out by food, a smell, or something truly shocking.
1. "¡Qué Asco!" – "How Disgusting!"
This is one of the most common phrases for expressing disgust. You can use it whenever something makes you feel repulsed.
Example: "¡Qué asco! Esa comida está toda podrida." (How disgusting! That food is all rotten.)
2. "Me Da Náuseas." – "It Makes Me Nauseous."
This one’s a bit more serious, perfect when something is so gross it actually makes your stomach turn.
Example: "Ese olor me da náuseas." (That smell makes me nauseous.)
3. "¡Puaj!" – "Yuck!"
A quick, simple exclamation to show you’re grossed out. This one is a classic!
Example: "¡Puaj! No puedo comer eso." (Yuck! I can't eat that.)
4. "¡Qué Repugnante!" – "How Repulsive!"
Use this phrase to show that something is extremely gross, often when you are reacting to something offensive or disturbing.
Example: "¡Qué repugnante! No puedo creer lo que estás diciendo." (How repulsive! I can’t believe what you’re saying.)
5. "¡Qué Fuchi!" – "How Stinky!"
This is a slang phrase for something that smells bad. It’s like saying, “Phew, that stinks!”
Example: "¡Qué fuchi! ¿De dónde viene ese olor?" (How stinky! Where is that smell coming from?)
6. "¡Qué Guácala!" – "How Gross!"
Another expression to express disgust, particularly when reacting to something slimy or unappetizing.
Example: "¡Qué guácala! Ese plato tiene pelos." (How gross! That dish has hairs in it.)
7. "¡Eso Es Asqueroso!" – "That’s Disgusting!"
A straightforward way to show that something is just plain gross. It works for food, bad behavior, and anything else that makes you cringe.
Example: "¡Eso es asqueroso! ¿Cómo puedes comer eso?" (That’s disgusting! How can you eat that?)
8. "¡Me Da Asco!" – "It Grosses Me Out!"
A personal version of the "¡Qué asco!" phrase. You’re telling someone that something is specifically disgusting to you.
Example: "¡Me da asco ver esas cucarachas!" (It grosses me out to see those cockroaches!)
9. "¡No Puedo Con Esto!" – "I Can't Handle This!"
You say this when something is too much for you to bear. It’s like saying, “I can’t deal with this!”
Example: "¡No puedo con esto! Ese olor es insoportable." (I can't handle this! That smell is unbearable.)

10. "¡Eso Es Un Asco!" – "That’s A Mess!" Or "That’s Disgusting!"
Use this when something is both messy and repulsive. It can be used for both physical messes and situations that make you cringe.
Example: "¡Eso es un asco! Mira cómo está todo tirado." (That’s disgusting! Look at how everything is thrown around.)
11. "¡Qué Mal!" – "How Bad!"
This one is more general but still works when something makes you feel disgusted, especially when something has gone wrong.
Example: "¡Qué mal! ¿Por qué dejaste la comida fuera de la nevera?" (How bad! Why did you leave the food out of the fridge?)
12. "¡Ay, Qué Horror!" – "Oh, How Horrible!"
A slightly more dramatic way to express disgust. It is often used in response to something truly shocking or unpleasant.
Example: "¡Ay, qué horror! No puedo ver eso." (Oh, how horrible! I can’t watch that.)
13. "¡Qué Asquerosidad!" – "What A Disgusting Thing!"
This phrase is used when you’re particularly repelled by something, often something physically unpleasant.
Example: "¡Qué asquerosidad! No puedo tocar eso." (What a disgusting thing! I can’t touch that.)
14. "¡Qué Desastre!" – "What A Disaster!"
This can be used when something is so gross or messy that it seems like a total disaster.
Example: "¡Qué desastre! La casa está llena de comida tirada." (What a disaster! The house is full of food all over the place.)
15. "¡Estoy Harto De Esto!" – "I’m Fed Up With This!"
When you're disgusted and tired of something, use this to express that you’ve had enough.
Example: "¡Estoy harto de esto! ¿Por qué no limpiaste la cocina?" (I’m fed up with this! Why didn’t you clean the kitchen?)
16. "¡No Aguanto Más!" – "I Can’t Stand It Anymore!"
This one shows that your disgust has reached its limit. It’s a bit stronger and can be used when something is really getting to you.
Example: "¡No aguanto más! Ese ruido me está matando." (I can’t stand it anymore! That noise is killing me.)
17. "¡Eso Es Una Porquería!" – "That’s Garbage!"
A very strong way to express that something is truly awful, whether it’s an object or a situation.
Example: "¡Eso es una porquería! Ni siquiera quiero verlo." (That’s garbage! I don’t even want to look at it.)
18. "¡Qué Malo Es Esto!" – "How Bad This Is!"
This phrase is good when something is not just disgusting but also poor in quality or taste.
Example: "¡Qué malo es esto! Esta comida sabe horrible." (How bad this is! This food tastes horrible.)
Express Your Emotions In Spanish With Lingopie
The ability to express your emotions, including disgust, is a key part of sounding natural in any language. Whenever you feel the need to express disgust about something fishy, these phrases will help you express yourself like a native Spanish speaker. You’ve now got a toolkit of 18 phrases to confidently handle any gross situation—no matter where you are.
Looking for a fun way to see these phrases in action? Check out Lingopie! It’s an innovative platform where you can watch Spanish-language TV shows and movies while learning naturally. With interactive subtitles and engaging content, Lingopie makes it easy to hear how native speakers really use these expressions—and so much more.
Why not give it a shot? Try Lingopie and make Spanish part of your daily life!