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Un Amour pour Moi - Céline Dion
Un Amour pour Moi is a song by Canadian singer Céline Dion, released as the second single from her twelfth French-language studio album, D'eux (1995). The song was written and produced by Jean-Jacques Goldman.
Un Amour pour Moi is a mid-tempo pop ballad with lyrics about the joys of finding true love. Dion's vocals are emotive and passionate, as she sings of the desire to find a love that will last forever. The song was a major hit in France and Belgium, becoming one of Dion's greatest hits.
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Un Amour pour Moi is a mid-tempo pop ballad with lyrics about the joys of finding true love. Dion's vocals are emotive and passionate, as she sings of the desire to find a love that will last forever. The song was a major hit in France and Belgium, becoming one of Dion's greatest hits.
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