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Ingobernable - C. Tangana, Gipsy Kings, Nicolás Reyes, Tonino Baliardo
Ingobernable is a song by Spanish rapper C. Tangana, featuring the Gipsy Kings, Nicolás Reyes, and Tonino Baliardo.
The song is about the powerlessness of love and its ineffectiveness in settling differences between two people. In it, the narrator expresses frustration at their partner's unwillingness to commit to them or to their feelings. He tries to prove his love with deeds, but it just doesn't seem to matter, as his partner is still "ingobernable" - incapable of being controlled or governed.
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The song is about the powerlessness of love and its ineffectiveness in settling differences between two people. In it, the narrator expresses frustration at their partner's unwillingness to commit to them or to their feelings. He tries to prove his love with deeds, but it just doesn't seem to matter, as his partner is still "ingobernable" - incapable of being controlled or governed.
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