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Sotto Questo Sole - Baccini
Sotto questo sole is a song by Italian singer-songwriter Francesco Baccini.
Written between fried gnocco and lambrusco, the song is generally the memory of the soul. It is the example of music that is always alive. A stroke of luck, of beautiful energy. It is about two young people on a bicycle in search of the adventure of a lifetime, even though they know that the climb representing life's difficulties will be difficult but worth it.
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Written between fried gnocco and lambrusco, the song is generally the memory of the soul. It is the example of music that is always alive. A stroke of luck, of beautiful energy. It is about two young people on a bicycle in search of the adventure of a lifetime, even though they know that the climb representing life's difficulties will be difficult but worth it.
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Learn a new language by watching TV shows and movies with clickable subtitles. Get instant access to hundreds of great foreign TV shows in the language you are learning.
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