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Vicente Fernández - Bésame Mucho
Bésame Mucho (Kiss Me a Lot) is a song written by Mexican composer Consuelo Velázquez in 1940. It is one of the most recognized boleros and has been recorded by many artists over the years. Vicente Fernández recorded the song in 2008 for his album Primera Fila. The song has since become a signature song for Fernández and is one of his most popular recordings.
In the song, Fernández sings of longing for a loved one and the desire for them to kiss him a lot. The very reason behind this desire lies in the singer's fears for the impending separation from their beloved, perhaps forever
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In the song, Fernández sings of longing for a loved one and the desire for them to kiss him a lot. The very reason behind this desire lies in the singer's fears for the impending separation from their beloved, perhaps forever
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