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Barcos Ebrios - La Madre Tirana
Barcos Ebrios is a song by La Madre Tirana, a rock band from Ecuador.
The lyrics of the song are poetic and describe a journey of a boat that is lost in the sea. The song is a reflection on the idea of being lost and struggling to find one's way back. The song has a dreamy and atmospheric sound, with a melancholic guitar riff and a melancholic vocal performance.
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The lyrics of the song are poetic and describe a journey of a boat that is lost in the sea. The song is a reflection on the idea of being lost and struggling to find one's way back. The song has a dreamy and atmospheric sound, with a melancholic guitar riff and a melancholic vocal performance.
About Lingopie
Learn a new language by watching TV shows and movies with clickable subtitles. Get instant access to hundreds of great foreign TV shows in the language you are learning.
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