Solange wir fahren - Alex Lys x Madeline Juno
Solange wir fahren is a song by German singer-songwriter Alex Lys and Madeline Juno. The song was released as a single in 2022.
The song is an upbeat pop track that features a mix of electronic and acoustic elements. The lyrics describe the joy of being together and taking risks together. The chorus translates to "As long as we drive, we will never be apart." The song is upbeat and includes a catchy chorus that is easy to sing along to.
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The song is an upbeat pop track that features a mix of electronic and acoustic elements. The lyrics describe the joy of being together and taking risks together. The chorus translates to "As long as we drive, we will never be apart." The song is upbeat and includes a catchy chorus that is easy to sing along to.
About Lingopie
Learn a new language by watching TV shows and movies with clickable subtitles. Get instant access to hundreds of great foreign TV shows in the language you are learning.
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